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I'hc San l)iego Hoo-Hoo rvill holrl lL clinner mccting at tlre Salr Dicgr.r I lotel, Sar-r Diego, Iiriclal- er-enirrg. Jttne 23. 'l'his rl'il1 be a courlrined meeting of Hoo-Hoo ancl lumlternlen. Dirrne r u,ill lre serlecl at 6:30 p.nt.

llajor Drrr.:rll, u'ho has just returrrcd fror.n thc liuropean theater of u'ar, u'il1 be thc spcaker.

llearl I:i:rkcr, l:]aker-\Ic [)crnrott Hardu ootl Co., is in charge of thc rncc'ting. ,\ lare'c crou'd is expectcd to attend.

Up and Down the State

I{. E. (Ilob) Caldu,ell of San Francisco. flel'to San visit his son, Lieutenant USN.

Hammond Lurlber Company, Diego on a rccclrt ureek-end to Commancler Ii. W. Caldrvell,

(ieorge R. Kenclrick, sales manager, l'ope & Tallrot, Inc S:Ln Francisco. is lrack fronr a 10-rlay trip to the firm's mills and oFfices in Oregon and Washingtorr.

J. S. (Jirn) Lirrrlennan of XIanu{licturers Lumlter Co., sales agents for Commercial l-rrmlter Co., Inc., Los Angeles, has rcturned from a lrrrsiness trip in the Northrvest.

Kenneth Snrith, Califorrrilr licclu'ood Associati<tr.r, San Iirancisco, \\'il.s zr recent Los .\ngcles visitor.

I-. W. N[acl)onald, L. \\' is spencling a fe u. rveeks in

]iacDonald Co., l,os Angeles, t he Northrr'('st ult l,usiness.

Ir. -'\. lliddleton, Anrlcrson .\berrleen. \\:ash., was a recellt Reitz Co., Los An.qelcs, their sentatives.

& I'Iidclleton Lumber Co., r.isitor at the offices of E. I-. Southern California repre-

Charles a lrusiness P. Henrv, Los .\ngeles ."vholesaler, is ltack from trip to the Northn,est.

Johns-Manville Promotions

(ieorgc ,\. I'cttcrs hlrs b e e n appointcrl assistant lnanager. I)czLler Building Nlaterials, it u'as annorlrrce<1 l,-r' L. l[. C;tssi,1.r', r ir'e 1,rc:iclent of J ohns-llanr-ille.

JIr-. l't'tl('r':, \\ lr{, ir)t-rn( l' l.i n as :l:rlT rnrrrragcr'. irrsttlrrting lroard prorlttcts. u,ill irct :rs gcncral :rssist:ril t to ('. l'. .\rrrt's, Jr'.. rrrrrr;rg.'r',,i thc Ilcalcr Ilrrilrling ]l:rtt'ri:rls I)ep:Lrtn1e11t.

The Heart o[ a Friend

'I'hc outcropping claimed our :rttention

-\nd the colors looked goocl ironr the start, So rvc follou'erl a lead that n'as clearlv defined, '\nd struck it rich in 1'our heart.

^\nd therc arnicl gold dust and flake golcl \\-ere nugects all burnishecl and bright, That shone througl'r da,r's that u'ere clortcl-r' Anrl glou'ecl in the darkncss o{ night.

\\re posterl our clainrs u'ith as,surancc

'\ntl rvc're holding thc s:rnre to thc cncl.

George tant r.rf thc the companr corn rnittcc oi

\\'illiam \\'. ('ullir has lrcor prollotc(l 1() succcecl .\lr. Petters as stafl- nlanagcr on insrrllLtirrg lroaril prorluct-s. \[r. Crrllirr formerA' Petters ly u'as enginecring consrrlblon'n rock rvool insulation department of '. He u-as also chairman of thc tcchrrical the \ ation;rl JIine ral \\rool -,\ssociation.

Buys Furniture Plant ct Bellinghqm, Wcrsh.

The Forrest Furnitrrrc l\{fg. Co. cif Inglcu'oocl, Calif., ha.-. purcl'rased the Bcllingham Furniturc N[:Lnufacturers, Inc., at Bellingharn, \\i:rsh., rvl'ricli rr'il1 bc opcrated rrndcr the nar.ne of Forrest liurnitttre )Ifg. Co., llellinghanr I)ivisiorr. fhe operations lL1 Jlcllilrgham consist oI a sau-mill, rlr,r- kiln. ancl furniture pl:rnt. Gcorge A. I1ill, u.ho has lreen connected u'ith thc conrlr:ury's plalt at Inglen'oorl, is acting gerreral managur ,,f the Bellinghanr operation. (ieorge is u'ell knou'n in Crrlifornia lurlrbcr circles, and be{ore going u'ith the Forrest organization, hc u'as sales rnarrager of Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., at Los Angeles, and prior to that was connected u.ith their rnil1 in tl.re Philippinc Islands.

Mcde First Lieutenant

King Goodrich, solr of J.l. -\. (loodrich, ( joorlrich Ltrnrber Company, I-os Angeles, :r 1lr'qt pilot orr 21 lronrlter flying in thc lingland com'lrat zorrc, has recerrtlr' lrccrr adr-urrcerl to liirst Lieutenant.

'l-lic-r''rc not for salc rLrr<l ther- can't trc jrrnrpecl, [,-or thev lie in thc helrrt of a frier.rcl ; -'\ncl l-c need no :rssaler to tell rrs

'l-he n'orth of thc riches rr-e holcl, For tirre anrl chatrge l.rar-e assal'cr1 thcnr ,'\rrd cach test proved them gold pure go1d.

Norv this, in our tniners' lingo, Is u'hat \\'e :Ire trying to say ; 'fhe pa1- streaks that frien<lship rleleloped (iron. deeper and u'ider each tla,r'; And rvhen \ve are traveling lrcsicle r-ort, Or on trails that lead us apart. \\:c kr-rorv that Danrc lrortunc u'as smiling. \\'hen rr'c stmck it rich in vour heart.

Thcre's nlar1\- a fzir-nous bonanza Iir-rtlon ing its ou'ners l'ith gold ; lJut m;Lterial riclies ;11c lriqkr-Not c:rsv to have :rnd to hold: liitit the \\'ealth of the nrind ancl the spirit Ilcmain to the long journey's end, .\n inexhaustiblc trcasnre, In the heart oi a lot'al friend.

--\clelinc Merriam Conner.

Moves Los Angeles Olfice

'fhe l-ong-BelI Lun-rber Colnpirn-r' geles office fronr the \\iestern Pacifit Insurance E,xch:rngc Ruilclins, .ll8 hiLs rnoved its Los Anlltrilding to lto,,rn 304. \\-cst Ninth Street.

Twentv Years Ago Frorn the June |1o.|.924 Issue

Retail lumbermen of the San Fernando Valler. organized the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club, and the following officers were elected: M. C. C. Campbcll, president; M. A. Young, vice president, and W. W. Spear, secretary-treasurer.

The lrArilliar.n Snrith Co., San Francisco, pur,chased the N[cDonald Lurnber Co. rvhich adjoined their yard.

l-os Angeles lloo-Hoo initiated thirteen Kittens at a concatenation helcl at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, the evening of June 7. Vicegcrent Snark llerman L. Rosenberg u'as in charge of the initiation.

E. L. Cooper, and \Iiss Arlene

Union Lumber Companl , Los -\ngeles, Benton, u,erc lnarriecl on Jr-rne 3.

_1. F. \Vriglrt, 13re1'-Wriglrt ville, u'as elected president of

Employes of the E and guests. enjol'ed a ing ranch zr"t Nlontrose

Lumbcr Conpan-v:, Porterthe Portcrvillc Rotary Clult,

K. \\,-ood Lumber Co., their iamilies delightful picnic at thc Pcrrv \\i hiton Sundal', Ma1'25.

This issue carried a picture taken at Lurnber Company, Glendale, shol'ing Glendale Chambcr of Commerce u'ho trip through tl.re company's plant.

G. I.

Wholesale to Lumber Yards

Sash - Windows Gasements - Doors, etc.

Our usucl lree delivery to Lumber Ycrrds cnywhere in Southern Cclilornicr


Los Angeles Phone: AShley 4-2268

Sqntcr Monicq Phones: 4-32984-3299

310-314 East 32nd Street


ADams 4225 the Fox \\roorlsrrrl the mer.nbcrs of thc made an inspection l)apcr to r.r'rite on, books to reatl, Your lrclt, l'our socks, 1'our G. L tie, It's all for free, nothing to buy, Thcy issue food that makes us gro\r,, G. T. u'ant a long furlough.

The fr-rllou-ing irorn a soldier to his girl is of knorvn origin.

Sitting on 1rv G. L bc<I, l{1' G. I. hat rrporr nry hcatl, N{y G. L pants, m1' G. I. shocs I n'ish I hacl some (i. I. boozc; G. T. razor and G. I. comb, G. T. lvish that I rn'as hor.ne.

Thc-r. issue everything yorr need.

You eat r-our food from G. L plates, Buv all you u'ant at G. I. rates, It's G. L this and G. I. that, It's G. I. work that leaves you flat; Everything is for Governmcnt issueG. I. wish that I could kiss you.

L. t. Californio Sugnr ond cl\RR

"vegn atd Potldela Pine iFf,Elffiilffi i-LUMBDR(0O.

Scrles Agents For SACRAMENTO BOX & LUMBER CO. Mills At Woodleaf, Calif.

SACBll,tENlO LOS ANGELES P. O. Eor l2t2 W. D. Dunrritlg Tclctypo Sc-13 438 Chcmber ol Coronercc Eldgt.


Shipments By R<ril crnd Ccrrgo All Species Telephone Teletype BRocdwcry 3613 Ptld. 167


Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine Douglas Fir White Fir


382 Moncrdnock Bldgr. SAN F.RANCISCO 5 Phone GArlield 7196


Distributors ol Pacific Coast Forest Products tOS ANGEIES Douglas Fir PORTLIND ttn Yi""oJ:Hoot"lt""' Hemlock ttt'",toootk Buildtae Boss C. Lcshley Cedcn Rich G. Robbins

IIMM$AI,H BUITDIilfr $[]PP[Y, ilC.

Wholesale Distributors oI Lumber cmd ite Produds in Ccrrlocrd Quantities

Wcnehouse Diskibution ol Wholesale Building Supplies

Ior the Decler Trade

Telephone ' ,Boz ghd st lEmplebcrr 696{-5-6 Ocrklcmd, Cclil.

H. Kunl

Rail Shippers


Northcn Cclilonic Beprcrentctivc

O. L BUSSI'M lll Mqlct SL, So Fraacbco, Tclephoao Yllloa ll8{l Southon CoEtfT"prcreatctivr

Bobert S. Osgood

7l!l South Spriag StrecL Lor Aageler, Telephono VAudlto 8030 Ati.oo-oR.p*totlr. T. G. DECEER

B. H. Smith's Famous Slgn

The personal sketch about B. H. Smith, of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, t'hicl-r recently appeared in these columns, brings to mind a famous office sign he u'as once the author of.

When Mr. Srr.ritl'r u.as oper;rting I-ong-Bell's biggest Yellorv Pine sau'rni1l, at l-ongville. I-c.ruisiana, the Great Southem Lumber Conrpany creatcd a mighty furore in Southern sarvmill circles b-r. btrilcling thc biggest Yellou' Pine mill er-er knorl,r'r il liastcrn I-ouisiana at Bogalusa. It rvas a fir'e headrig nrill, arrd so verst that it n'as the talk of the lumber inclustrl'.

Soon it got so that u'henever a sawmill supply salesman marle a sales talli hc never failed to mention the fact that "u'e sell Great Southern." This was supposecl to sholv their standing in the industrl'. B. tI. Smith hacl that "r,ve sell Great Soutl.rcrn" pulled on him so oftcn, that he finally got tirecl of it, ar-rd he .had a big sign printed and stuck up on the u,a11 behind his cl.rair u'hcre evcry salcsman 'rvorrld see it the minute he u-a1kcd in. Ancl thc sign sin.rlrly read:

Pine Stock Doors-Recommended Commercicrl Stcndard

Reconrmcrrclcrl (lonuncrcial Standarcl {or Standard Stock Ponclerosa Pinc I)ools, 'I-S-3728, <late11 XIav 31, 1944, is being circrrlatc<l to tlrc trarlc for l'ritten acceptance.

It proviclcs minirntrnr spccilications for qualitl- and cor.rstrttction of horrsc, Sarage, cup'board, combination, summer, stornr anrl toilct cloors and siclelights made of Ponderosa pir.re. Reclnircnrents for matcrial, rvorkrnanship. sticking, sizes, tolcrar.rccs, ancl graclirrg are sct forth, together u'itlr ilIustr:ttions and lar-outs for I2O different designs.

New Brochure lor Free Distribution

"Beautiful \\'ood for Beautiful Ilon'res" is the titlc of an cl:Lborate neu' brochurc just preparcrl for frec clistribution by The Ilengel Companl', I-orrisvi1lc, Kv., anrl United States Plyt'ood Corporation, Ncu. York.

Illustratecl n'itlt full-color rcpro<luctions of n.ood-u'alled rooms, the brocl.rure is thc latcst unclcrtaking in a joint campaign b1'thc tu'o large plr-r'oo<l concerns to build public appreciation a.n11 use of Welrlu'oo<1 plvl-oocl and 14engel doors for honres irr cvcry pricc rlngc.

The brochurc corrtains descriptions alrd illustrations of various kinds of plvrvood together u,ith room designs by lirorrrincnt archilccts-

Iim Overcqst Promoted

His manr-iriencls n'i1l be glad to hear that James B. Overcast \\.as promoted to the rank of Sergeant April 29. I Ic is '\ssistant Post Sergeant I{ajor at Fort \\rinfield Scott, Calif. Inciclentallv Jim ltecame an uncle for the first time receutlr- l-hen his sister prcsentecl him u'ith a 7pouncl nepheu', rvhose father is First C.lass Pcttv Officer Joe Billing, USN, stationed at Dutch Tlarbor.

Digest o[ New \(/ar Agency Regulations

Order L-335

'fhe or,er-all controi of lumber niltr' later than the beginning of the third mills ancl distributors suflrcient time trr proccdure rrncler Orcler L-335, \\'PB rel

Milling cnd Dry Kilning Services

Port Orford Cedar

(Also known crs White Cedqr or Lcrwson Cypress) Lumber Ties Crossing PlcnksDecking

Tunnel TimbersVeneticn Blind Stock Also Suppliers ol


TLASKA ""o^*J,*;"oA;Hl Yerrow cedcrr or


A neu. rcgulation c()\'ering maxithunr prices for milling and kiln clrving scrr-iccs perforrned on \\''estern so{twoo<l lurnber bv crrstoln rlrills is issrred b1'the OPA, to take the placc of Supplerncntarv Servicc Iicgrrlation 27 to NtPlt 165, l.hich formerlr- c, rvererl these services. (MPR 539) ' effective Trrne 5.

Mcple Lumber

To provide unifornr priccs for prorluccrs in the trorthertr hardu'ood region on the No. 2 c()1r1n.r()ll gracle of l-rard rnaple lumber in 21.3 arrd '1 inch thickncsscs, thc (lPA scts dollars-and-cents prices oi $fi3, $68 arrrl $7.3, rcspectir-cl1'. for these thicknesses in this gnL<lc. (-\tncnclurent l2 to XfPR 223). clfective NIav 30.

Fence Posts

A ncu, rcgrrlation scttir-lg Prices ,rf icn,.:c lrosts Prorlrtcc<l in tl.rc \\testern zLrea of the Unitecl States is issrred bv thc CIPA. (N'lPI{ .53fi and -\nrendment 3 to R}IPlt 32.1), cf{erctivc l,Ia,r' 29.

Sitka Spruce Lumber lic put into effect cluartcr, to pertnit acljrrst to thc ncn. eals. regula( )l):\.

Sirnplilication ancl clarification of the pricc tion for sitka spruce lunrlrcr is annorrncecl bv the (Revised flPR 290), effective \lav 31.

1032 Mirrg H*J;ifi,"ffi"isso 4' ccr'



I Montgomery Slreet 1800 Mcrshcrll Ave. SAN F?ANCISCO 4, CALIF. STOCKTON, CALIF, DOuqlcs 2060 STockton 8-8521



White FirDouglcs FirIncense Cedcr


Dorris, Cqlilorniq White Pines, C<rliloraic North Fork, Cclilornia Weslpoint, Caliloruio

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