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Re Treattii Tumber

Northern California Dealers Will Meet at San Francisco June 28-29

'fhe Lumber \Icrchants Association of Northcrrr California is sponsoring tu'o nieetings rvhich are beirrg called at the request of I)ctcr A. Stone, Office of Price Administration, \Vashirrr:ton, l). C. Ilotl"r n.reetings are opcn to all lrttnber clealcrs in Northcrn (.:Lliforr-ria.

\\-edncsrl:rr-, ,f rrne 28, at 10:CD a.m., Palace l{otel, San I'-rancisco, hrLs been set ior lhe first mecting at r,vhich a gencral discussiorr betu'ccn rlcalers n-il1 bc held in order that thcir lrrolrlems in regirrrls to ()PA regrrl:rtirtns may be propcrl_r' lrrescrrted to that -.\<lministratiorr.

fhc src,,rrl nreeting n,ill lrc held the follon.ing day, June 29, sarnc placer ancl timc. Itclrresentati\.es of the OPA, including XIr. Stone, u'il1 lrc present at tl"ris rrccting.

Thc .\ssociation rrrgcs th;rt e r-err dealer irr Northern Californi:L lrc present at tltcse tl.o meetings.

Scrn Diego Hoo-Hoo Dinner Meeting June


Trected in trcrnsit crt our completely equipped plcnt at Alcrmedc, Ccrlif.

Treated qnd stocked ct our Long Becch, CqliI., plcnt

333 Montgomery St., Scrn Frcrncisco 4, Phone DOuglcs 3883 601 W. FiIth Si., Los Angeles 13, Phone Mlchigcn 6294

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