2 minute read
Booster of Better Buildings
It would be unjust to one of the greatest home building enthusiasts on earth to publish a special issue of T&re Cali-fornia Lumber Merchant without iome recognition of the splendid and constructive work that has been done in the boosting a4<l promotior and planning of better homes in California bj, Floyd A. Dernierl of LoJ Angeles.
Mr. Dernier, as the lunrber dealers of Caiifornia all know. operates under the firm name of The Lumbermen,s Service Association, Fay Building, Los Angeles. He conducts a merchandising and publicity service for lumber merchants. He was one of the first men i:r the ,history of the business to complete and furnish a plan book serviie for retail lu.mbermen, and in the past ten years he has broadened and improved and intensified and increased this service as the expanding vision of the lumber industry justified, until today his service is looked upon as an absolutely indispensable department of the majority of the live lumber merchants of California.
It is a PIan Book Service, and it is much more than that. Mr. Dernier believes in modern merchandising melhods for lum,ber dealers as a ,sovereign remedy for all lurnber ills, a_nd h9 eats, sleeps, and dreams of plans, ideas, equipment, thoughts, suggestions, etc., that the lumber dealei,miy use to increase his service, improve his business, and thirebv sell more stock. He furnishes a wonderful equipment of plan books, which are constantly changed, modernized, and improved; he furnishes architectural service thar ts seconcl to none in the land; he furnishes a blue print service that is taken constant advantage of by scores of his subscribers: he furnishes advertising copy, cuts, mats, suggestion:s, drawings, illustrations; he furnishes sales literature, ideas, suggestions, and personal assistance; he furnishes office sales_ room equipment, photograpl,s, attractive advertising for the outside of the office. etc.
To make a long story short he has devoted his life to furnishing the lumber merchant of California with a service that guts at his finger tips expert assisrance in equipping his sales room, advertising his wares, and selling them, all in the most attractive and approved modernized fas'hion. The fact that there are country lumber dealers in California who seldom let a day pass without ordering Dernier's blue prints and plans {or some customer, shows the practical use to which the service is put.
Floyd Dernier is an earnest, studious, devoted, and hig:h- ly intelligent servant of the retail lumber business. He believes in it, works for it, and plans constantly for its improvement. He has done much for the lumber industry 9f California-much more than the average man stops to think. He has cansed two houses to stand where none stood before, and has helped many a lumber dealer to sell building. material by interperting it into the language of a Deautrlul home.