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Dealer Cooperation at Anaheim
Here is a beautiful lumber display booth. But it isn't so much the ttnusual attractiveness of the booth that awakens the enahusiasm of The California Lumber Merchant in the picture, and in the activity which it illustrates, as it is a dernonstration of an admirable and most unusual sentimenf-namgly, cooperaaion between competitive lumber dealers.
They are competitors in the selling of building materials, are the Ana'heim Lumber Company, the Adams-Bowers Lumber Company, The Gibson Lumber Company, and the Gibbs Lumber Company; but in the promotion of better HOI\{E BUILDING in Anaheim they are COOPERATORS.
The booth shown in this pictrrre rvas equipped ancl clis- played recently at the Annual \ralencia Orange Show which was staged at Anaheinr, and which was an unusually fine one this year.
Instead of getting up there to fight each other, these four progressive retail institutions equipped a single beauaiful bootl-r, and operated it to boost home building in Anaheim. Needless to say the booth attracted much attention at the Orange Show.
They also purchased {rom Floyd l)ernier a beautiful little book of home plans, which they distributed to their calers during the shou'. The names of all four firms were on the front cover of the book.
Isn't this a really splendid demonstration oI dealer cooperation toward a really great purpose-the promotion of BETTER HOME RUILDING?
Heat Proof rr Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material- CEL OTEX !
is INSULATING LUMBER. It is made from bagaEEe, or cane 6bre. This fibre is felted and interlaced into a tough, rigid, board, having great structural atrength.
Scientific Construction Makes Good Buildings Better
No one today, who is interested in building a home can longer afford to ignore the value of insulation in the walls and roofs as protection against heat and cold.
The common practice of constructing buildings with ordinary wood sheathing and building paper, to ghut out heat and cold, is gradually giving way to thc use of the modern-day m61sd6l-Qelotex Insulating Lumber.
The scientific process, used in converting the canefibre, from which Celotex is made, into building lumber causes it to develop miriards of minute air celle, forming its remarkable insulating quality. Its strength as sheathing has been fully tested by leading engineers, proving that it is superior to wood sheathing when used for this purpose.
Besides replacing wood sheathing, Celotex is also a plaster base, eliminating lath, an interior, exterior finish, and sound deadener. Insulation against heat and cold is combined in all its uses. Celotex makes buildings better.
Dealers Profit
Some live and up-to-date building material dealer is going to gecure dietributor'e rights in your territory. You cannot afford to overlook this oppor- tunity. It meane money to you. For complete infrmation address: Wholesale Department, Weetern Celotex Company.