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The Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel
Here is a short story of one of the mpst wonderful hotel building jobs the country has ever known.
It is the Biltmore Flotel, in Los Angeles, California-
It is being built by The Schofield Engineering 'Cq., gsneral contractors, and is now two m,onths ahead of schedule.
The sash, doors, interior trirn, case work, and window frames for this mighty histelry was .furnished by The Owens-Parks Lumber Co., of Los Angeles, retail lumber dealers.
It is the first great building in the world to be trimrned throughout witJl P'ort Orford Cedar-that uniquE and wonderful wood. There is used in the building 350,000 fe€t of this rnaterial. It was sold to The Owens-Parks Lumlber Company by E. J. Stanton l& Son, well knlown wholesalers of Los Angeles.
The started delivery on this job Oct. L, 1922, and the contractors went ahead of their schedule so fast that it kept these materialmen jumping sideways to furnish the stock ahead of tirne. But they did it. E. J. Stanton & Son brought the Port Orford Cedar through, and Charlie Owens milled,it and put it on the job in championship style.
There were 6,000 doors delivered by this retail firm on that job; 60 miles of. lx? panel moulding, etc.
It was ,one of the greatest jobs ever performed by lumbermen in this sountry, and was done in faultless style.