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Novel Cocat To Be Staged By Los Angeles District
The l,os Angeles District will hold the next Concatenation on the aftelnoon and evening of July 21st, Saturday.- tnembers anC guests display much enthusiasm over the program offered by the members in charge'of the meetings. Each Thursday a different Hoo-Hoo member acts as chairman and responsible for securing a program.
Through the generosity of Mi. Perry Whiting, -of The Whiting Mead Commercial Company, of Los Ang-eles,-this meeting- will be unique. Mr. Whiting lras offered Hoo-Hoo the usJ of his summer place in the hills of La Crescenta Valley.
Viiegerant Snark Curtis Williams has not completed the details"of this meeting, he states that they will .no doubt meet at noon for a picnic, have various entertainment in the afternoon and *ilt tota the initiation in the evening in a large hall that is on the ranch. Announcements will go forwird as soon as all plans are completed, and Mr' Williams has selected his committee.
Mr. H. L. Rosenberg, of T,he Hipolito Screen Company, Los Angeles is chairman of the Membership Committee, and all applications should be forwarded to him.
This Concatenation will be a special drive for the managers and owners of lumber establishments, Mr' Williams eipresses the opinion that Los Angeles will make a record this time, in bringing in a large class of executives.
Snark Williams announces appointments for the next three meetings as follows: luly 26th-4. C. Merryman, Jr.
July 12th-A. L. Hoover.
July 19th-J. L. Hodge.
By all indications the Thursday Hoo-Hoo luncheons at the City Club in Los Angeles will be well attended throughout the summer. The attendance grows, and added interest is shown by the members to thg interesting speakers that are provided by ther variotrs chairmen- appointed by Snark W-illiarns.
On June 21th about forty members and €fuests attended at the meeting and Mr. B. W. Byrne, of the 'Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was the chairman.
Mr. Bvrne after attending to the order of business called on Mr. Jack Dionne, publisher of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER I\{ERCHANT, for some riews on the market condition.
Carl C. Crow, tl-re popular Portland, Oregonian, has been appointed Vicegerent Snark of thaa Hoo-Hoo district, and iJ getting ready for a big Con-Cat in Portland for the 'i-ery neir future. Mr. Crow is one of the best known lumbermen in Portland, is Secretary-Treasurer of The Portland Lumbermen's Clttb, and publisher of Crow's Pacific Coast Lumber Index.
Vicegerant Appoints Chairmen For Luncheons At Los Angeles
The regular Thursday Hoo-Hoo luncheon in Los Angele,s has increased in popularity during the last f"y months through the leadership of Vicegerant Snark Curtis Williams.
With an attendance reaching as high.as seventy at sonle of the meetings, and a probable average of about fifty, the
A distinguished visitor of recent days at the office of The California Lumber Merchant, is Capt. John McMaster, of Seattle, Wash., head of the John McMaster Shingle Company, and Dean ,of The Red Cedar Shingle Industry. Admittediy the oldest and most admired figure in the great 'northwestern industry, Mr. McMaster is a stalwart of ttre stalwarts. For thirty-four years consecutively he has been manufacturi:rg Red Cedar Shingles in the Seattle district, and for exactly that same number of years he has been making and preaching and advocating the use of quality shingles. He likes California very much, and the only criticism he has to utter of the Golden State is the fact that it is strongly given to the use of low grade shingles. He doesn't believe in thin shingles, and wants everyone to know it. He was one of the organizer's and the first president and new President Emeritus of the Shingle Branch of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and has also been President of The Ritegrade Association.
He visited his gnanddaughter in Los Angeles for two weeks, and has now returned to Seattle.