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Sixth and Harrison Streets San Francisco
Sterling featuree of the Petroleum Securities Building are becoming better known to busin"'s ex_ecutives every day. They includi ideal locatio"-; "p-t"- date construction and--equipment ihroughout; iarking space ingide ttr. ['"iia- ing for tenants as well as customers; fast elevator "ittri""; and, last but not leagt, eficient management.

-any type of house
-any type of business building
-any type of industrial structure your trade can use-
THE El Rey line is complete-a roof- r ittg to fit any purpose and to meet any price requirement.
Backing up the entire El Rey line is the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Co., with one of the largest roofing plants in the West and with a record of more than a quarter of a century of successful manufacturing experience.

We not only back up the product, but stand squarely behind the dealer with strong advertising and merchandising co-operation. Write us for discounts and for reasons why you should stock El Rey.
Los Angeles Paper Mfg. Co.
1633 No. San Pablo St. - Tel. ANgelur 5236 Los Angeler