1 minute read
Moictite is a money maker for the lumber merchant. It can be used on every type of building. Under shingles, rustic, brick veneer, floors and plaster. Shippers are now using it for linitrg their freight cars.
Moirtite is strong and pliable- it is vermin proof, germ proof and sanitary-it insulates against wind, dampness and dust.
There is a big demand for this waterproof sheathing paper. Nice profits can be made by those who handle it.
Moistite is backed with a pracF..ical merchandisinq and advertis- rsrng ing campaign, including many effective dealer helps.
T'he Zellerbach Paper Company is now appointing dealers. Write or call at the nearest division for samples of Moietite, descriptive literature and other information which shows how the lumber merchant can cash in with tihis new waterproof sheathing.