1 minute read
Good lurnber at rlght prlees wtll rnake IfO|If buslness grow - as tt dtd ourc!
ThtSrS an age of value-giving. witness the great strides made by those concerns whose otr jective is to consandy better their values.
The McCormick organization rs 24 years old. Until the last few years, we were primarily lumber marketers. Our service was that of knowing the needs of the lumber user and the reliable sources of supply.
With all America looking to the Pacific Northwest for its continued lumber requirements, we foresaw the need of a complete organization. Reliable water transporation was needed to the Adantic Coast. Ve added that link to orrr chain. Then came the forming of tfie Charles R. McCormick Lumber Company of Delaware, with vast stands of timber, mills, docls, steamships, distributing yards, sdes offices.
You are interested in our growth, only as it means sofir€. thing to you. And McCormick customers say that this growth has come solely from our ability to supply good lumber, up to grade, at prices that make money for them.
Yard stock of all kinds in mixed or snaight cars. Our rail dqartment is in excellent position to sette retailers inthe Northvest,Middle West and North Cennal stata. I*t as qrcte you