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A Vacation Suggestion:
Drive up to Eueka over the wonderful Redwood Highway. A hip'into the Redwood Country is worth repeating many timel.
We extend a cordial invitation to all lurnbernnen and tbeir friendg to virit our mill and logging operationr.
Drop us a line and we will know when to expect you.
they had lots of it for sale. One said "Our salsemen have not been bothered with writers' cramp for ninety days."
President Wickersham handled the meeting in fine shape, and at the close introduced Mr. Jack Olson, Los Angeles manager of their company. Jack told the boys how he happened to join Hoo-Hoo, at the instigation of E. A. (Dooley) Goodrich, of the Union Lumber Company. It happened at Venice, at the big Concat, when Herm Rosenberg was Snark.
Vicegerent Phil Hart was elected as official delegate to the Annual, to be held in Kansas City, in September. Two other members signified their intentions of attending the convention, Ed Tennant and Walter Scrim.
The McCormick aggregation was out in full force, of course. Eddie Houghton passed the cigars, Ed Culnan was there in full force with his charming daughter and his equally charming better-half, Big Boy Freeland has little to say, Jack Olson was at the head table, and a young man from the steamship department by the name of Ted Lawrence sang, thereby taking the honors away from HartWood of having the only man in Southern California by this unusual name.
They passed around a "Bulletin" or "Weakly Letter," edited by Ed Houghton. It took a crack at some of the well known Los Angeles boys, Paul Hallingby, Gus Hoover, Frank ,Wise, Dave Woodhead, Herm Rosenberg, Jack Dionne, Fred Golding, and Book Bookstaver.
The,meeting was all fun, no speeches, and really was the best that the I,. A. boys have enjoyed for some time.
To tfie Wholesalers!
Orr Specialtv. Lumber Price Lists to the Retait Trade. We can lave you time and money by Mimeographins or Multigraphing your Lirtr.