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California Building Permits Interestin$
Here is a decidedly interesting bunch of figures.
They show the monthly building permits for twenty California cities for the year ending with the month of June, 1926,"The California Lumber Merchant" year as it were'
They will stand plenty of study, and furnish much food for thought. Perhaps the most impressive thought furnished by these figures is the fact that there are no high and no low building months in California, a fact that "The California Lumber Merchant" has frequently stated to be its opinion. That is what makes California so wonderfully a lumber market, the fact that they build in this state consistently the year around, and no man can truthfully say that any particular season is the slow or the fast building season.
You often hear the remark toward the close of the year that business will probably be slow because of inventory time approaching. On the contrary, this statement shows that December was the biggest building month of the past year, and that January, February and May were the lowest months. Yet there was no great spread between high and low, and it is doubtful if any other part of the world can show so consistent a building campaign.