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When You Decide You Can't Sell Homes Remember These Facts--

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In 1925 there were 2O,167,149 motor cars registered in the United States.

Duritrg that year $4,10O,(X)0,000 worth of automobileE were sold, $1,(X)O,(X)O,(X)0 worth being sold for cash, and $3,100,00O,(X)0 were cold on time, the total cash paymentr on whioh amounted to $1,(XX),00O,000.

Of all cars sold nowadays 75t/2% are sold on the installment plan The average note given on a new car is about $530, and on the average used car $280.

The automobile industry contumes 85/o of the rubber bowht in this country, 5O/, of all the phte gla$, ll/, of all the iron and steel, 6% of all the upholrtery leather, artTyzbiil-' lion gdlonr of garoline. It furnishes the rEilroadc 3,(N0,00o tonc of freight a year.

Without tfre auto indurtry moct of the fire, theft, and carualty inrurancc companies would go out of buriner.

If crdit were killed, automobile ralcr would not excecd 35% sf prcrcnt production.

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