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Advertising Puts Across a Great B[ildirg Lumber
Interest in California Pine is doublewhat it was oneyear aqo. Returns from our advenising prove it-thousands of requJsts for our literature from archiieits, builders and home owners. OurL926 campaign goesonwith increased momentum. Thar means more California Pine sales for you. Here areshown 26 publications in which our advenisingis being read bylumber consumers throughout the countrv. One million prospecdve lumbe_r buyers reluhdy read our h6mebuilder adveftrsements, one of which is shown-
Your customers like ro use light-colored, soft-texnrred woods -_ particulady pine. That is why they are so interested in Califorgg Pige, the nation's leading soft-texnred, light-colored building lumber.
If you do not now carry Califomia Pine,youwill find itprof. r0aDle to stock rt at once.
Cdl Buildtna Sra &rocirco California Sugar Pine
'Bcbind tbh scruia an tbc fol- louinz silk, ubot. ottbut-abPloxiM!. s I Yz biIli o n fai of Q Ittoilu F na aAf,s4ll1 -47o-tr t or a.dsibQ stpply iafrcintfiir ,be tccdE oltuo ctttrlries: Al3om Luba ConpmyAl3ont,Ote.
S, T. Brltrrd Alturer, Calif.
Big Leta Box Cmpray Kluth Frllo.Ore.
Crlifmir Door Company
Dirmond Springr, Crlif l5th aad Wodr Str., Ortlrnd. Celif. Crrdc Cng Lumbcr Comgany Crrclle. Crlif. Clovcr Vellcy Luber Co. Loyelton, Crlif. IrtNrt BL. Bldg.,SenFmcirco Drvir Crcct Lunba Conprny Davir Cret. Celif. Bwrum Bor Conooy Klrmtt Fdlr.drc.-
Forcrr Lmber Conoany Pinc Ridge, Orcl Frult Growcrr Suoolv Co. Hitt md Swnvilla.(Xif.
609 S. Hilt Stret, Lor Angela lrt Nec Bk, Bldr., Srn Fnncirco
Her Lmber Commny Dirhop, Cdif.Hobrrt Brtrtc Conornv Hobrn Milb. Celif. - llutchinron Luba Comour Orovillc, CJif.
Lrnn Lunbcr Cmouv Modoc Poinr. Oi.
Lgren Lurbcr & Box ComoenySurnvillc,Crlif. - -
4O3 Momdncl.Buildiag ilo lrtncuco lO28 Moaadnoct Building Nn lttnc[co
Lilely Lunbor Comornv Li&ely, Celiforaii Mrdcra Sugrr Piae ConpuyMadcn,Celif.
McCloud Rivcr Lmber Co. McCloud, Celif.
Michigu-Crlifotnie Lbr. Co. Cuino. Calif.
F. S. Murphy Lunbet Comoany
541 M^oudncl<.Buildirg)u faatrcEco
Owcl.Oregon Luober Co. Medford, Ore, Pelican Bay Lumber Compuy Klanath Fellr, Ore. -
V. R. Piclering Lmbc Co. Tuolmae. Calif.
The Red Rivet Lunber Co. Wcrtwood. Cdif.
3O7 M_oudoct Building iln rtt[clco
M. J. Scanlon Lunber Co. Msuact, Calif.
Shew.Bertrem Lmbc Co. Klurth Felb,Ore, Sirkivou Lunber Comoenv Mt. Hebron. Calif. -
Sprnirh Peak Lumber Conpany
Quiacy, Cdif.
Sreadard Lunber Comoray Stedrrd. C.tif. -
Su3rr Pine Lmber Conpany Frecno. Calif.
Swryne Lmber Conpeny
Oroville, Calif.
Wced Lmber ConoanvVed.Celil. -
Yormitc Lunbc Comouv Maced Frlb.Cdif.-
20 JVlillion Cahfomia ?ine JVlessages,-
uill bc bma&a*d tbmqb tbit krgelist of nationafurcad magazixa. Etery bryer and $.t of anod tnill learn the meny adoantagcs of tbe ue of C,alifoniaVhhePinc and S4ar Pinc-the fnett nft-rextund, light-ueight' light olorcd, all parpote uoodt that grow.
California $lrhite and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
Call Building San Francisco
,-{kolrdrert of cluronmA vrorr na
R. F. Hanmatt