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"Remedy Lies Within Industry Itself"
By R. F. Hammatt, Secy., California,Redwood Association
There seems to be two rather well defined schools of thought within the lumber industry today-insofar as explanalion of, and remedies for, the ills of the industry is concerned, that is:
The one points to over-production, with curtailment, voluntary or otherwise, as the remedy. The second school points to poor merchandising and (or) lack of aggressiveness as the cause (with under-consumption as a result of that ,cause) ; and indicates pretty clearly and conclusively that the remedy lies, obviously, with the lumber industry itself.
To those who hold with the first school of thought, the Redwood Industry can plead "not guilty," for during 1925 Redwood was the only wood of major importancp within the Pacific Coast and Inland Empire regions which did not materidly increase its production over that of the previous year. More than that, Redwood production showed, as may be seen from the following figures, a material decroase in production over 1924:
(Figures in Million feet, B. M., for reporting mills)
As to past merchandising methods (anent the second school of thought)-little need be said here. The retail trade in California is familiar with the cooperation work which has been done and, I am glad to say, has expressed its interest in, and appreciation of, that work which has been so planned as to help the retail dealer increase his volume of, and profits from, California Redwood lumber.
And for 192G-and future years-that cooperative effort is broadened. The Redwood Industry, besides continuing efforts along past lines, is engaged in a State and Nationwide effort to secure, for the retail yards, new prospects and new customers.
This effort is a new one, but even now it giws promise of success. Many yards are following up our efiorts, rmany have expressed their appreciation and their conviction of the values-to the,m-of this new effort in their behalf.
Ilere, then, is a definite, carefully planned cooperative effort at better merchandising, an effort now made nationwide which, hand in hand with a voluntary adiustment of 'production in relation to demand, will, it is hopecl, do its bit toward correcting the present ills of the lumber industry.