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Changes In American Lumber Standards

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Simplifi ed tPractice,Recommendation No. 16-Lumber

Dated May 1, 1925

Revisions and additions to the American Lumber Standards made by the General Lumber Standardization Conference of manufacturers, distributors, and consumers, held at the Department of Commerce April 27, 1926, and, efiective July 1, 1926, make necessary the following amendments to the American Lumber Standards, as published by the Department of Cornmerce in Revised Simplified Practice Recommendation No. l6-Lumber, dated May l,1925:

1. Page 7: For the headings "2. SIZE STANDARDSDressed ,Sizes" and Sections 23 to 26 inclusive, substitute the following:


Dressed Sizes

23. The terms "standard yard board" and "standard industrial board," and "standarh yard dimension" and "standard industrial dimension" shall be the designations for 1inch boards and 2-inch dimension, respectively.

24. 25/32 inch, S1S or S2S (measured at standard commercially dry shipping weight and moisture content for each species), shall be the thickness for the standard yard board; 26/32 lnch, S1S or S2S. for the standard industrial board.

25. t/s inches, SIS or S2S (measured at standard commercially dry shipping weight and moisture content for each species), shall be the thickness for standard yard di,mension not more than 12 inches wide; l/a inches, SlS or S2S, for standard industrial dimension.

26. The finished widths of finish SIE or S2E (based on kiln dried lumber) shall be ft inch off on lumber of standard width of 3 inches, f inch off on lumber of standard widths of 4 to 7 inches inclusive, and s/+ inch off on lumber of standard widths of 8 to 12 inches inclusive; and the finished widths of boards and dimension 51E or S2E (measured at standard commercially dry shipping weight and moisture content for each species), shall be /s inch ofi on lumber of standard widths less than 8 inches atd I inch off on lumber of standard widths of 8 to 12 inches. '

2. rPage 8: After the heading "Standard thickness" in the fourth column of the table add the word "Yard" ; and change the heading "Extra standard thickness" in the fifth column to "Standard thickness Industrial." last column to 3f ,41,

Change the Standard widths for Finish in the of the table, beginning with the second figure, 5%,6%,7Ya,8%,9r/4, 1OY4, and lI%.

3. Page 9: Change the Standard face width of 6-inch ship-lapped Rustic and drop siding irom Sfu to 5 l/76 (Face width for D & M will then be 5 3/16-See footnote 2, page ?); of 6inch Flooring lrom 5% to 5 3/16; of Ginch Ceili:rg f.rom Sfu to S 3/16; and of 6-inch Partition irom 5y4 ta 5 s/r6.

4. Section 28: fnsert'the word "yard" after the word "standard" in the first line, strike oui the word "extra" in the fourth line, and insert the word "industrial" after the word "standard" in the same line.

5. Section 30: In place of the present wording, substitute the following:

30. The widths of finish, rough and kiln of 3-inch width, board measure, shall be not nrore than % inch less than the nominal width, widths 4 ta 7 inches inclusive, board measure, shall be not more tha{r /s inch less than the nominal widths, and widths 8 to 12 inches inclusive, board measure, shall be not more than /s inch less than the nominal widths; the widths of common boards and dimension, rough and commercially dry, 7 inches and narrower, shall be not more than tl inch less than the nominal widths, and the widths

8 to t2 inches board measure shall be not more than /s inch less than the nominal widths.

6. Section 32: In place of the present wording, substitute the following:

32. The marketing practice covering lengths of yard lumber shall permit the buyer to secure specified lengths and/or specified assortments of lengths.

7. ,Section 37 : Strike out the word "yard" in the first and fourth lines. Capitalize "1" in "lumber" and eliminate the words "and extra standard" in the fourth line.

6. Section 38: Strike out the words "and extra standard" in the first line.

9. Section 39: Strike out the words "and extra standard" in the first and second lines and change the last word in the second line from "standard" to "nominal."

10. 'Section 41 : Strike out the word "yard" in the first line.

11. 'Page L2: Strike out the word "yard" in the heading of the first column of the table. In place of the first five lines of fine print immediatdly below the table substitute the following:

Widths of finish, measured and described as 3, 4, S, 6, 7, a, 9, 10, 11, and 72 incbes, board measure, to be respectively, not less than 2l$,3%, 4%, 5%'.6-%, 7%,8,/+,9/t, ft/t, and ll/a. inchis, SIE or S2E, based on kiln dried lumbcr; widtbs of bmrds and dimension, measured and described as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8' 9' 10, 11, and 12 inches, board mcasure, to be, respectively, not less than ltd,216,3r1' 4r4, 516, 6r(,7%,8%,9y2, 10%, and. ll% inches, SIE or S2E, at standard commercially dry shipping weight and moisture content.

12. Sectiori 45: Strike out the words "or extra stardard" in the second line.

13. Section 46: Strike out the words "and extra standard" in the first and second lines, and "or extra standard, as the case may be," in the third line, and "or extra standard" in the last line.

L4. Section 80: Change the first word "Inside" to "fn side,"

15. Section 83: Change the figure "2" irr the fifth line to "4."

16. Section 85: Insert the words "Dense Select and" before the word "Select" in the heading of the second column of the table.

17. Sections 90,97, and 104: Insert the word "of" after the words "southern pine" in the first lines thereof.

18. Section 105: Insert after the word "specified" in the third line the words "or given minimum."

19. ,Section 112: Insert after the word "plank" in the first line the words "or shop lumber"; renumber as Section 106 and transfer tq following Section 105.

20. Sections 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, and 111; renumber as 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, and 112.

2L. Pages 23 and,24: In place of the heading "4. INCTI FACTORY LUMBER" and all of the reading matter under Section 124 substitute the following:

124a. In determining the grades of either shop or cutup lumber two grades and sizes of cuttings shall be recognized and shall conform to the following rules:

Size of Cuttings

124b. (a) cuttings less than 3 feet long shall be free 18 inches long or longer.

124c. (b) cuttings shall be 5 inches wide or wider by 3 feet long or longer.

Quelity of Cuttings

124d. (a) cuttings less than 3 feet long shall be free from all defects on both sides. No restriction need be made upoSr bright sapwood.

124e. (a) cuttings 3 feet long or longer and (b) cuttings shall have a C Select or Better face in all softwoods except Douglas fir, Sitka s'pruce and West Coast hemlock, where the face of the cuttings shall be equal to B or Better Finish.

22. Sections 126 and L27: Strike out the words "or extra standard" in the second lines hereof.

23. Section 132: Strike out the words "or extra standard" in the third, fourth, and thirteenth lines.

24. Page 27 z NOMENCLATUiRE OF COMMERCIAL SOFTWOODS: Under "Cypress" eliminate the line "Southern cyprcss .Taxodiu,m distichum." Add in parentheses after "Red cypress" the words "Coast Type," and after "Yellow Cypress" and after "White Cypress" the words "Inland Typi.n rl. :1. * *

. Under "Douglas Fir" insert the following as the third line "Red fir . . . Pseudotsuga taxifolia -(rocky mountain type).

-thess changes will be incorporated in subsequent issues of the Department of Commerce official bulletin.


124. Basic Grade Classifications for Softwood Shop tumber


Shop Lumber gradcd for cuttings of minimum an-d largrr sizcs with rclerence to tts usc lor general cut-up purpores. Shop No. 2 Shop qQ& _gltoP LUMBER / FoR SHoP LUMBER oNE rNcg rN THrcK- I or ALL TrrrCK.--- Nprsg (l) I NESS (zt- Selat I ( No. I Shop Lumbcr to contain not ,llcas than ZOq. "t iil f Lumber _ to contain not andlor (b) criitinss.'-' \ lTiz",l%>ulilr,fj".(.)

Lumberto cgntain- not / Lumber to contain not less than .50/, of (a) f less than +Oi"- it tii and/or (b, cuttrngs, \ and/or (b) cuttings,

(1) tr'or Northern, Western, and California, Pine, and West Coast woods.

(2) For Cyprcss, Redwood, and North Carolina Pine.

Annu-al rings of trees grow:i8 3vcr tnls Rcdwood show it heg lein on moist ground ovcf two centunct. It is sound; frce from dccay or cv€n worm holcs.

Trcec have gtowE ovcr this burlcd Rcdwood for 350 ycrn. But thc cut loio thc old Redwood rborc clcar, so.und wood fit to be rawn into highest gradc lumbcr.

Ovcr this 6ff) ye.r otd Red' wood, trccs clolc to -?00 ycara old hevc grown. Yct thc cut chows thc bgricd Redwood sound rnd frce from dccay,

Whg Reduood Safislies

Particular Cuslomers

Thc lifc history of threc Redryood trccr that lic lo thc Celiforair lorertr ir the best tcitimony to Redwood'r Darrtane[cc and rclistance to rot. Though rcstinE in m6irt ground end cbvered witb morr, mold aad forct-t &btis for from 25O to e-bout 400 yerra. rot onc of thm is dccaycd. Wormr hrvc not bored into thcm. Cut i'nto et random. thcir wood 6brc is as bright and sound .r that in a livc Rcdsood iurt felled. This rot.rcsistancc caros Rcdwood Dreferencc ovci othcr commctcial n'oodr. and cxplaias itr inereasing ue-c by builderr, architcctr and con. structlon 6ngrncert, Wite fot lttformation ott TPL Co, brtt onl milluorh.


Robcrt Dollrr Bldf. 3ll Crlifornir St.

LOS ANGELES Strndrd Oil Bldg, l0th rnd Hopr Str

The Lsrgcs, Manrfacttrcrs and Distrib*ots of Califonh Rcduooa Mcmbers of Calilmh Rctloootl Astociation

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