1 minute read
Use Creolineum Weatherproof
And Creolineum Wood Preserver
all to rassle wid me in pra'r. I'se in a close place, an' Ah needs de he'p ov de Lawd mo' dan Ah evah did befo' in Mah whole life. Ah wants to do right wid Mah employer, an' Ah wants to give de collud folks a chance to live" Ah has a contrack to jut a strong night lock on de do' ov Kunrlel Murray's chickin coop do', an' to build a niggahproof fence round Mis' Simpson's water-million patch, an' Ah craves yo' prevailin' pra'rs."
Because Redwood Is Advertised
"Three years ago I believe 80/o of our siding sales were of white woods. Today we sell practically no white wood siding; it is all Redwood.
"This is occasioned partly, I think, on account of the extensive advertising campaign being put out by the Redwood people. Today better than 45/p of our (volume) of sales ie Redwood.
"For the 6rst half year of | 926 our Redwood sales increased l2Y2o/o over sales for the like period in the years 1922-23-24-25. This un' doubtedly is partly caueed by our Redwood advertising.
Many iuch convincing testimonialg from dealers ever5rwhere endorse the new advertising campaign for California Redwood now running in national magazines.
For further details about tke amazing upward swing for Redwood. address