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National Advertising of Redwood Association Brings Quick Results-Follow Ups
The California Redwood Manufacturers Association has been trying national consumer advertising for a very few weeks, yet they have already discovered that "it pays to advertjse when you really have something worth advertising and when you really adertise it."
They have been shooting their advertising to start with in those three fine home magazines "Better Homes and Gardens," t'House and ,Garden," and. "House Beautiful.t'
They got replies from their first two weeks of advertising from prospects asking for literature and information located in 226 cities in 46 difierent states, and they got right busy wjth th€ir follow up efforts-for in the foll6wing up of advertising lies the retuin money.
.Of course, all follow up work is being done in coo,peration with the lumber dealer. fn no other wiv could the work be successfully done. So when an inquiry comes in, there is sent direct from the office of SecrCtarv R. F. Hammatt a special letter answering the inquiry, giving any specific information desired, as well as Con[aining itte ftan book or literature that the prospect asks for.
Then they look up the names of the retail lumber dealers in the__city from which the in,quiry comes, anrl he gets a spejially prepared sheet telling of lhis national adveitising of Redwood, and attaching at the bottom the name or namei of th.e local people who have answered the advertising and inquired about Redwood. The sheet urges the deaiir to follow up this prospect, and cooperate with the Redwood Association in selling more Redwood. It is an attractive and- forceful appeal for cooperation, is this sheet that goes to dealer.
So the Redwood prospect gets the information and literature-asked for, and likewise is called upon by one or more retail lumbermen in his own town, ofiering io turn the in- quiry into an order and a service renderdd. ,,Watch for more inquiries" the sheet the Association sends out says to the retail lumberman.
^ 4ld, so, because "nothing succeeds like success,,, The Califorria Redwood Association is going to go farther with this effort to sell Redwood to thelonJume"r by magazine advertising, and to tie it up to the lumber dealer. At ttr. Redwood Association has iigned up for the enlarged National.Advertising Campaign that they have plann"ed, and, ln addrtlon to the consumer advertising they wi.ll continue to run, they will take space in architeciural journals and in lumber journals, thus seeking to enlist the aisistance of the retail lumber trade and the architectural trade in putting over this consumer campaign for Redwood.
It is a campaign that has every promise of success. Redwood is the only wood that can take the place of the famously. advertised Cypress for rot resisting and damp defying qualities. Cypress has been going fast, has a greatly reduced production every year, and brings a price at least one hundred percent higher than Redwood.
There is a great place in the world for Redwood, with its marvelous lasting ,qualities and its many desirable characteristics as to beauty, usefulness, workability, paintability, etc., but Redwood must make that olace for itself. The world does NOT reach out and grab a product because of its worth. Cypress had to create its own demand, yet so successful was it in its efforts that within two years after its effort began it had utterly and absolutely changed the chanrel of its consumption. it simply placed Cypre-ss in entirely new hands by advertising.
As a wood possessing attractive, unusual, and practical merits, of a particular character, Redwood should be easy to advertise, and easy to instill into the minds of the publii. No other wood since Cypress ever had such an adveitising opportunity. It is not surprising that its early efforts have met with success, and it would be no more than fair to expeg! i! to grow in public fancy as Cypress grew.
If the Redwood men manifest the faith-and the courage that the Cypress men manifested, the future of Redwood should be a glorious one.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Lumber Milb at Suranvillc and Hilt, CaL 150,(X)O,000 Fcet Annurl Cepacity
- B. W. ADAMS. Mgt. Salcs Dept. Firrt National Bank Bldg. - San Franeirco