1 minute read
The Philosophy of Mr. Pip
Columbus got a idear, borrowed a boat and brought home a world. Lots of folks thought he were wrong, perticulerly Edditers and Efficient Experts, and them is the lcind of fellers that is harrassin me in my own idears.
Since I has been in the Lumber business I has had an idear an I ain't had no other since an ain't I been setting' down here with a car or so of the cheapest Lumber, a few buckets of Paint an' Putty and a keg or so of Nails, a sample lot of winders an doors an has been an still is making them dealers in this town that has large stocks of QUALITY BUILDINC MATERIAL WiSh I wasent here when it comes to Gggerin a bill an tryin to get a price for their Lumber?
I has a system of my own about figgerin bills and THE STUFF THAT I AINT GOT I FIGGERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE SO THAT THE DEALER THAT HAS GOT IT CANT GET NO PROFITABLE PRICE even if I cant fill the bill, an I is still doin business at the same old stand and aint busted yet, fer I has the CHEAPEST .LUMBER AT THE CHEAPEST PRICE.
Ga. F. Hofi