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One Big Idea

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By Miss Alberta Ruth Brey, Porterville

That's what Jack Dionne had, and that's what Jack Dionne "put over" when he started The California Lumber Merchant, four years ago, July lst, and the Idea is still go" ing strong.

And that's what we are trying to put over. in our cofitmunity-ONE BIG IDEA-and that Idea is "Own Your Home."

How are we chiefly doing it? By everlastingly keeping the Idea before the Public by ADVERTISING. And that's what I really want to talk about.

We are so absolutely sold on. the Advertising Idea, that we think it, we live it, we tell it and we almost have it with our meals. Before in these pages have been lots and lots of articles on Advertising, but it really doesn't hurt to review them once in a while.

,What we all should do is to use all the Dealers' Helps, use the "tie-ups" with Nationally Advertising Campaigns (where one sells Nationally Advertised goods) use their cuts and mats, send circular letters and don't be afraid of using Newspaper Advertising.

we can have at any time all the Front Page Publicity we want about any building or home, or anything in which we are interested. Newspaper Reporters are always glad to have it. Building activity always means a prosperous community, and that makes us seem to be growing to an outsider.

Use everything you can get a hold of to Advertise Homes and the various materials you carry.

One way we chiefly try to advertise is to make friends with all we meet (not just for,Advertising purposes, because we are naturally friendly) and to show to everyone who comes into our office, hospitality and cordiality from the 'school children, who come in asking for caps and pencils, to the real customers who buy small or'large bills of lumber. We try to make them feel welcome and at home, so that they will come again and bring others with them.

Even in written advertisements there should be a warmth, a hospitality, a friendliness and above all sincerity. This combination is something that is hard to beat. It holds "that something" that we are all working for. It holds "ONE BIG IDEA" and puts it over.

Newspaper Advertising may seem like a loss of money' We can't all be Jack Dionnes but we can copy after, steal when the rates are high, etc., but in a small com'munity it his thunder and his id.eas, and put them working for us, and is especially advantageous to the Dealer, as it gives him we can all Thank him ard Congratulate him, and Wish him Publicity that he would not have otherwise.

MANY More Happy Birthdays for The California Lumber

Just because we advertise regularly in our local paper, Merchant.

,SOUTHERN C.ALIFOiRNIA'S MIUSIC T,EMRL:E TO The guest conductors will be Walter Henry Rothwell, OFEN Los Angeles' own; Modest Altschuler, formerly conductorHgllywood Bowl. devotees witrl witness something de- of the Russian Symphony orchestra; Pietro Cimini, famed cidely novel when, for the first time in the world's history, four -conductors will direct the same symphony orchestra for his five years with the Chicago Civic Grand Opera and within one concert.*"i"L. rrtis wilt-'ocJur-tie night oi as a symphony conductor in Russia; and Adolph randler, Iune 22, at Los Angeles, wien the Bowl is dedicated' with conductor of the pion_eer Los Angeles Symphony and of the I *orr rp"ctacular "ptogt"- of music and dance. Tandler Little Symphony orchestra.

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