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Yor can heartily
recommend this fire-proof, sound-proof plaster lath!
Your cugtomers naturally expect you to recommend the best and most economical materials to meet their requirements. Buttress plaster lath offers you an excellent opportunity to build good will, for it never fails to give complete satisfaction to architect, builder and owner.
The next time the question of plastering materials is put up to you, recommend the stronger, firedefiant, sounddeadening plaster lath-Buttress ! Buttreec Manufacturing Cr., 6910 So. Alameda St., Lor Angeler, Calif.
Plastercrs lrefer to zaork ozter Buttress In' terior Lath anil Erterior Backing because of the smooth eaen plastering surface and the assuronce that the iob will be satisfactory when contPleted.
It ir nrdc of pure gyltsum cornprerc4-betwGcn two laycre of rtroni chiiboar,4 and carefully tcrtcd for uniform thickner and wcight.
Itr rtrength prcvents brceLagc end conrcqucnt wa.tc. Therc are 3300 punchcd, rough bumpr to thc lqqlrc yard, providing -thc bert Lind of a urechenical kcy and an ideal plartcring rurface.
Buttrera providce an e.ven, unbroken tuction to plartcr after application and will not rPotr crack' crawl or buckle.
The big l6i'x4t" eheetg cover four rtudr and provide a rigid bracing for the cntire rtructurc. In l,athing a raving in both labor, nailr and material ir cfrectcd.
A rimilar raving in plartcr rcrultr from thc fact that the plarter rle6 ir of uniform thiclneu throughout, and no plartcr ia forced back through crcvicer, ar ir thc care with other lathr.
Thc finiehed job ir morc ratirfactory to thc owncr, nore profitable to the buildcr ud contractor.