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Buys Three More Willamette Carriers
,When the Big Lake Box Company installed o n e Willamette Carrier several months ago it was with the in' tention of giving the machine a thorough tryout under every-day working conditions. The result of the trial is shown in the accompanying photograph Of three more Carriers on their way to the Big Lake plant, at Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Once the Willamette is on the job it'quickly turns its op' erating cost into a saving by speeding up the handling. One exclusive feature is the single lever lift control which
Tractor Log$ing Studied
The r,ecent introduction of tractor logging in California has led the Forest Service of the United States Depart'ment of Agriculture to undertake a number of studies to determine how this method compares with others in common use, particularly from the standpoint of damage to young trees and seedlings. Since the small trees and established seedlings left on an area at the tim'e of logging lrom the basis of the next timber crop, it is highly important that they be damaged as little as possible in logging.
It was found that while tractor logging is consiilerably more destructive thae horse logging owing to the wider roads required and the heavier equi'pment used, it is much less destructive than most of the heavy machine logging that has b,ecome common practice in California during the past few years.
On the area studied four tractors had been used, two S-ton tractors to bunch the logs and two 10-ton tractors to drag the big-wheels by which the bunched logs were carried. The indications wer'e that greater care in the use of the smaller tractors might obtain even more favorable results.
The three Willamette Carriers shown are on the way to the Big LalTe Box Company, mahing four ahich lhis concern wiII operate.
makes it ,possible to raise or lower the lift shoes while the Carrier is moving. This is done by means of a patented disc clutch which operates independently in a bath of oil.
Another feature is the use of automatic stops for both upward and downward movements of the lift. This effectively prevents breakage of cables or shoes. Furtherrnore the flexible cable lift allows the shoes, when lowered, to rise and slide over rough planking without rack or strain to the frame or machinery.
Steering with one hand is easy with the offset front steering wheels which were designed to prevent side slip at turns and to preyent the wheels touching the load when turning corners. This makes it possible to make as sharp a turn with the carrier loaded as when it is empty.
With the Big l,ake Box Company so thoroughly satisfied with the dependable operation of Willamette Carriers it is confidently expected that many more of these satisfactory machines will soon be seen in the Klamath Falls district.
Mr. Ernest E. Johnson, of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, Portland, recently spent a couple of weeks in California, looking over their Los Angeles and San Francisco offices.