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Business Dedicated to the E, limin ation of Roofing Troubles
-l-tt manufacture of roofing is a practical job I for practical men-----one which requires not only scientific knowledge but also experience with practical problems. The highest of integrity, the most earnest desires, cannot possibly take the place of that experience-and the combined experience of the two executive heads of this company reaches the convinciirg totd of neady two score years.
The Weaver-Henry Mfg. Co. will continue to apply, in the manufacture of their products, the same constant thought, the same painstaking skill, the same rigid standards which have made'Weaver
Roofing so absolutely satisfactory. Not merely sadsfactory when it leaves our factory, not merely a quality that looks well in your showrooms-but a built-in quality that laughs at time and the elements. Such is \D7eaver Roofing today-and such will it be tomorrow.
That the public at large approves such policies is shown by the fact that we are now preparing to treble our capacity. 'With the same careful attention to detail that is characteristic of our f,actory methods, we are leaving nothing undone that could possibly facilitate the expedition of orders.