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Lunrber For Special Uses
TION'T let profitable busine$ slip away. Any time you have an inquiry U 1o, lumber for a special purpose let us supply the material. Retail yards and planing mills can add dollars to the profit side of tfie ledger through rupplyr rs this demand. Simply order these specialties aa you need them. Our fast deliveries aEEure you of prompt service.
You Ccn Get These Froln Stock
For wagon and implemcnt s6[Qs1 atocks include oak, ash, hickory, guijo, apitong. AIeo gum and cottonwood boxboarde.
For rpring boardrespecially 6ne hichory ready for immediate delivery
Pattcrn lumbcrC-alifornia Sugar Pine, tfie fineet soft pine pattern wood available today.
Oil rvell timbcnthss6 can be supplied in oak, guijo and apitong. For brake blockr-BasEwood.
For :arh and doorrwe can promptly 6ll orderg in any quantity of California Sugar and White Pine.
Mininc timbercdomestic and Philippine harEwoods in stock at all timee.
Shipbuilding- lsnding oak, teakwood and Fardwoode for decking and interiors.
Airplane lumberwe regularly eupply airplane spruce, ash, walnut and birch to Southern California factorieg.
For furniture-Plywood and tops in wide variety. Imported and domegtic hardwoods, special woods required for inlay work, dowels.
Paneb-A wonderful variety. There is lesa than one chance in a hundrcd we haven't the kind and sizc you want. All hardwoods and O.P.
FlooringMaPle, bcech, birch and oak flooring. Border stripa of walnut, red bean and jara.
Oak cill rtock and rtepping6l$7ays qn hand.
Finirh lumberAn unrivaled stock of all har4woods, American and imported. Philippine Mahogany and other Philippine hardwoods.
Our ctock of hardwoodr ir unequaled for completenes and varicty. Stanton Qu"tity and Stanton Service are dependabLo at dl timec. CalI ru for any hardwood or for eoft pine lrmbcr.