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Bay District Initiates L2 Kittens
Twelve Kittens had their eyes opened and tails properly curled, while being led through the "onion patch" at ths Bay District Concatenation, held on the Roof of the Whitcomb llotel, San Francisco, Thursday evening, June 10. There were two reinstatements.
The Concatenation was held at 6:50 P. M. The Nine in charge of the ritual work consisted of Fred Roth, Vicegerent Snark; A. B. Johnson, Jr., Senior Hoo-Hoo; J. E. Higgins, Jr., Junior Hoo-Hoo; R. F. Hammatt, Bojum; J. E. Martin, Scrivenoter; J. A. Stroud, Jr., Jabberwock; Homer Maris, Custocatian; Reginald Smith, Arcanoper, and George Troth, Curdon.
Following the Concatenation about 150 sat down to dinner. Robert Cameron, Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, Palo Alto, was awarded first prize for bringing in the largest number of Kittens and was presented with a beautiful gold knife. Floyd Elliott, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., was the winner of the second prize, a leather wallet case. In appreciation of the good work done for Hoo-Hoo during the past year, Vicegerent Snark presented Frank O'Connor with a sterling silver cigarette case; E. A. Chamberlin was presented with a beautiful bronze cigar stand, and Frank Trower was presented with a very fine leather wallet.
The affair was billed as "Hawaiian Night" and music was furnished by the Co-Ed Orchestra comprised of six pieces who provided many excellent musical numbers interspersed with several exhibitions of the Charleston. During the dinner hour there were fourteen entertainment numbers bv the following entertainers: Alika Duo, Hawaiian entertainers; Cleo, female impersonator; Gladys Dale, Jazz singer; Clothilde Berryessa, jazz dancer; Jeanette Morrow, oriental dancer; Mickey Mayes, ballad singer, and Virginia Clark, pianiste. Frank Schirmer acted as master of ceremonies. The following Kittens were initiated:-
Edwin C. Wild, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
M. A. Downing, Merner Lumber Co., Palo Alto.
G. A. Smith, Emeryville Planing Mill, Emeryville.
E. W. Pohle, Sunset Lumber Co., Oaklapd.
A. B. Griswold, C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., San Francisco.
T. S. McNamara, Smith Lumber Co. of San Francisco, San Francisco.
L. W. Blinn, Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco.
G. G. Pearce, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco.
A. R. Edwards, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., San Francisco.
A. P. Dron, Leonard Lumber Co., San Francisco.
S. J. Crowley, J. H. Kruse, San Francisco.
A. C. Ellis, Palo Alto Lumber Co., Palo Alto. Reinstatements :-
Charles S. Elms, San Francisco.
H. H. Mitchell, Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda.
The Committee of Arrangements included J. E. Martin, "California Lumber Merchant," Chairman; J. E. Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., and Fred Roth, Vicegerent Snark, with J. H. McCallum.
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Hoo-Hoo Convention Headquarterr
Welcome Hoo-Hoos