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"A Remarhahle Improuement and Deaelopment in Portland Cement-'"
So writes Mr. H. E. Chrictian, Superintendent of C.onstruction for the MacDonald E"gii*rLtg C"-p"t V of Chicaeo, *t.lr speaking of the use of Monolith Plastic Water'
;;;G;"iiiL"itlting a larg-e western inqf*: _!-h" cement for this plant Y".".p"y-d i-",.4 fre.ring tempera:ture "id b"lo*-" fact which lends particular interest to his state' ments-
"ln th€ lrandting of this productr" he declares, "*e find that it hotds all- ag-gregate in r,13p.t riotr -itt ""t i"y ""p"titio". All transpogition spoutr are c-lean and clear at all if;.- T[" *"tk"6ility ani plarticity of Monolith Plastic-Waterpnoof Portland Cemcnt al' i"*" *r" f"r-" to slip-perf"dttv *itti"ut bdhesions. In strenglr, rurifo-nnity and qrnlity ar *"U "" *Lt[Jiliiv, ii i inaofr a remarlcable improvement "nd d."elopment in Portland CemenLtt
Any building rnaterialr dealer who aimr to keep gp !4h $9-!ateet developmentr in "*t"t*Jtiot *iU-"t"* and encourage tfre ure of Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement.
Write us for full particulars of the cooperation we give to Monolith dealere.