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JackDionne ,publislrm

Incclrated uder the laws of Califomla

J. C. Dime, Pres. and Treu.; J. E. Mrytin, Vice-Prea.; A. C. Merrymu, Jr,, Scy. Publtshed tle lst ud l5th of each noth at 3lt-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL., TELEPHONE, VAndike 4565

Subrcription Price, $2.1D pcr Ycar Single Copier, 25 cente cach.

Entered u Second-cls mtter Septenber E, 194 at tte Poctofflce at Lo; Angeles, Califmia, under Act of Much 3, 1t79.


How Lumber Looks

Lurnber looks good. There irn't much change in the lart two weekr, except the fact that the big JulV Fourth rhutdown of the millc on tte entire Pacific Coart ir iilrcdiately imminent, and will probably be much longer on the averagc than moct y€an, which chould rtrengthen the North' rycstcrn raerket €ven more than at pr€t€nt There doelntt reern to be a weak rpot in the entire eitrntion" and it ir be' coming rnore diftcult all the time to place orderr.

Shinglcr are strong€r t[an they have been in a year.

Advertiring Ratcr on Applicetion

Th€ lath market ir firrn, probably a little strong€r. Redwood demand for two w€Gks hac beco good, thc order filc considerebly cxceeding production.

'lilhen the Fourth of JuIy rhutdorvn of thc millr ir over' l[e rtrongcet riturtion of the cntire leaaon should be in cvideace.

Nationally ryeakin& the market har rtrengltened perceptibly in the hrt thirty dayr, and tte feeling of optirnirin ir p€rvading ever:f branch and dirtrict of thc industry.

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