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Small Orders Make Large Profits
, Every man who aspires to have a PERMANENT BUSINESS must give heed unto the morrow us to furnish the lumber, to carry it, are in a posinecessary to the lumber Call Caynor Masters Lumber Terminak Tacoma, Wash.
Today we are prosperous-today we have more business in sight than we dreamed existed only a few years ago-today we are moving under the impetus of nationwide campaigns-but tomorrow is coming.
Today we are having the "fat years"-but there may be "lean years" to follow-and the wise man is storing his warehouse now against the time of famine.
He is laying up stores of CONFIDENCE-and TRUST -and KNOWLEDGE-and all those other "emotional trade builders" that will prove so immensely valuable to him when the "big rush" is over.
He is not neglecting the "little fellow"-the "small order" -in the rush of filling the big bills-for he knows that the little man of today will be the big man of tomorrow.
The man who buys a board for a shelf today will be in the market for a HOME tomorrow-and he will buy that HOME frorn the man who took pains to 6t him out satisfactorily with a single board.
Prosperity is the true test of a man's soul. Adversity may show his GOODNESS-buI prosperity will bring out his BADNESS.
"f haven't time to bother with small s1uff"-i5 the confession of POOR BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS. It shows narrow and limited trade vision. It proves a small mind.
There is more to the building material business than the dealer's side of it; there is more than swapping MATERIAL for MONEY.
There is al3o the PROVIDING OF SHELTER-the securing of comfort and happiness and cleanliness and convenience. There is the BUILDING OF A COMMUNITY -there is the MAKING OF HOMES.
And he who neglects to foster the SMALL ORDE,R is killing at its source the DESIRE FOR BUILDING-for IMPROVEMENT-on which rests the very foundation of the building material industry.
In an active market, such as we are now experiencing, dependable sources of supply are vital to the successful operation of a lumber yard.
24 Cabfornia St. San Francisco, Calif. Douglas ll47