1 minute read
-That you can now purchase Flardwoods and Softwoods in a single carload shipment and that you can make up your specifications to covet exacdy what you want for your particular needs.
-That we are now shipping all items of Philippine Hardwoodr in our mixed car loadings with our other California Lumber Products. This added fea$re makes it possible to order any quantity of Philippine Flardwood, Finish' Trim, Mouldings' Flooring, etc.
-That all of the commonly used items of Douglas ii, """ now available for shipment in our mixed car loadings.
-That we furnish IIThite Pine, Fir and Philippine Hardwood Doors and Millwork items in our mixed cars to all territory, Chicago and west thereof, where reasonable freight rates apply.
-That Doors and Millwork items can be shipped in mixed cars to points East of Chicago by assuming a small penalty, account of the freight rates on Doors being higher than on lumber.
-That we ship in a single mixed car a wider variety of Retail Lumber Yard merchandise than can be obtained from any other individual source-anywhere. It's easy to make up a carload order which requires only 30,000 pounds minimum weight especially *hen you can include any and all of the following:
CALIFORNIA REDWOOD and all products manufactured from all five species.
-That any of the items shown in the enclosed delivered price list can be shipped in a single mixed car when desired.
-That substantial savings are efiected by purchasing in this nannsl-ihus holding investments to lower levels, thereby increasing, your turnover and profit.
-Thar when you send us your order, it is in the hands of an organization esPecially trained to handle it with the thoroughness it merits-one purposely established for better serving your needs.
-That the proof of these statements is by actual experience and your ordertoday-will lei us show our ability to correctly serve you! needs and save you money.
-Thar business goes where invited and stays where well treated-and that's why we want you to discover our Service, Quality and Satisfacdon, which you can do with a trial order.