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Lumber Production of California in 1927
In the table betow are listed the production the State of California for 1927, L926, and 1925.
figures for on the items we have used in computing the totals in prev- ious years, the total was 1,883,658,000, but this item mentioned brings the state production above the two billion foot mark for the second time in its history.
By Redwood Mills .L29,932,W
It wftl be particularly. noted that there is an added item in the 7927 figwes that make a considerable difference in the state totals, which item has not previously been reported or considered fr these columns, although it should have been. That is the item.of whitewoods produced by the Redwood mills. All the whitewoods listed in previous years were those manufactuied by the whitewood mills. But for 1927 the Redwpod.mills report that they manufactured, 129,932,000 feet of whitewoods, which brings the total state production for the year to 2,013,590,000. Based
At the present time all lumber production in California is being considerably curtailed, and the chances are that for the remainder of the year the production of California mills will be considerably under normal. Both Redwood and Pine is curtailing. Redwood production for the year 1928 is already about l0 per cent less than at this tiine in !927, and will probably go through the year with that much or more reduction from 1927 figures. California Pine mills have made more lumber the first six months of 1928 than they did the same period of. 1927, because the production increased the first four months of the year, but it is very unlikely that their total volume by the end of 1928 will exceed that ol 1927.
In the Klamath Falls district the production of California White Pine in 1927 was 371,0f,2,W feet; in 1926 it was 410,943,000; in 1925 it was 2l1,482ffJf.. The prospects indicate that the lumber production in this district will increase faster in the next two years than at any other point in the entire West.