1 minute read
Walnut Shows to Wonderful Advantage in Al. Koehl's New Private Office
John W. Koehl & Son have been making quality doors and millwork for the South'ern California trade for a great many years, and have established a reputation for turning out special made goods of wonderful quality.
So when Al. Koehl, the "Son" in the firm name and for years active head of the business, started out to build himself a hew private office, he decided that the doors and trim should very properly adverfise the high quality of Koehl products.
So he just built a brick addition to the front of his plant in Los Angeles, allowing ample room for the sort of an office he had been thinking of for a very long time, and here he recently completed one of the most beautiful private offices in all California. Everything is American Walnut, doors, trim, panels, and furniture. There isn't an inharmonious hote in the entire room. It was all made in the Koehl plant, and the crew outdid themselves in their ef- forts to give the boss the most beautiful woodwork that human ingenuity could devise. Not only did they use Walnut, but every piece was specially selected and chosen for its beauty of grain.
You enter by a magnificent walnut door that has A.W.K. worked in lvonderful letters into the woodwork.- The panels of the two doors to the room are all made of matched walnut bu'rls, ahd the wall panels, as shown in the ac. companying picture are of wonderfully selected and matched Walnut. Never was a wood rr\ore intelligently selected and artistically used than in this lovely room. The desk, tables, chairs, hatracks, etc., are all perfectly matched. The rug, the w'all and ceiling tints, and .everything in the room is in dark Walnut harmony. T'he fact that it was all done in his own plant, and therefore illustrates what they are capable of, is the most pleasing thing about the new office to Al. Koehl.
It is surely a room worth traveling far to see.