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Redwood is Optimistic for 1928
R. F. Hatnmatt
By R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager, Cdifornia Redwood Association
The Redwood situation is unusually good, considering the low price level established by competing woods, and the length of time that low level (and accompanying quantity production) has remained in force.
As everyons ftneq'5-and as most lumbermen are now willing to admit-there has, for some tirne, been a veritable epidemic of cheap lumber.
But despite that condition: in the face of the fact that Redwood has consistently sold at a higher price level (necessary because of a higher cost of manufacture, and the fact that it is a quality building material) Redwood sales are (for the year 1928 to June 16) only 4 per cent below production.
A position which is, r-e feel, cause for gratification.
The outlook for the balance of the year seems decidedly hopeful. Our guess is that the pendulum already has begun its upward srving. And if the "quantity" market continues to remain firm-if price levels as they exist today carry through the year-we look for an excellent fall demand for California Redrvood.
Evidence of the swing of the pendulum-of the increasing demand for quality lumber at a fair price-may b_e obseived in our rocent rveekly statistical report which shows, for 16 reporting mills:
This indicates new business at 1zl0 per cent, and shipments at 126 per cent of production.
beautiful door, beautifully made
ll The Belle Porte Lamirrex Door, in either Philippine HerdI wood or Douglas Fir, offers dignrty, richness ani'sim;rlicin' i -appropri"r. iur r luxurious'hom", 1'"t priced w'itfiir-r the meitis oi a m.rn u'ho is building a modest drvelling.
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Note the substantial constt uction of the Belle Porte door'- -this cross-sectiott vieu' shorr-s horv eccuratell' the per.rel, sub-frame an.l stiles ht together. Belle Porte par-rels, stiles and cross-rails are of Laminex sciencrfic, built-up construction.
DgttZ Ponc. or,rn\' ()rlrLl l-.rrnrrrer 'lrrr)'rn crthcr Philipl'tne Hrr.lrr,t.,,l .r D6rrql:rs Irir. r', ill rer.rirr it. hc.rrrtr' .rrtri trr:rifr irs c.treful rr',rrkttr.rrtrltip. l.ecause of its Llumunitv to tlelnage b1'rnoisture.
Laminex stiles en.i cross llils arc built u1. otl letttirlrrre,l core ltiocks' rveldecl ttr rigiJ e.lge br;rces. Fluu'less luvers of u'ootl :Lre cemeltted secLtreiv to these corc blocks rvith our sccret \\':ItcfPrOof cetnerlt. LlLtrltnex panels ere huilt of three-Plres, l.ermanentlv Lrnireil b'r' the satne porr'eriLIl adhesive. Thrs Laminex r"^t",1.r,r,,i celltellt'otrc of ()ur lllost lalr-r:rble trade sectets ts r-esponsrble for ihe f:rcr th;rr;r Lenttncx.loor can be sttake.l in water fot'.lrtr-s at rr time r.r-ithout lrLrcklirtg, splitring or coming,rlt:trr' l. ';i rl, ? t $ t : 1 !, +..-- g.AF,gENIEX;'E}OORS

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