1 minute read


ABe not guaranteed-so

If He Didn't

We used to tell the story of the colored brother who was caught in the draft, and hauled before the examining ofricer. When the officer asked him the prelirrr,inary quer tion, "What's your name?", the darkey replied, "'Well, Captn, you oughta know-you sent fo' rne."

West Oregon Mill Makes Record

The sawmill of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., made what is believed to be a record cut for a single band mill, in the month of April, when the daily cut averaged 296,600 feet.

George Grant Married

George Grant, a member of the sales staff of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., Baypoint, was married at Oakland, May 26, to Miss Charlotte Doty. Mr. Grant is a son of Robert S. Grant, sales manager of the California Door Co.

ror 2o years-some less

Who Did?

They tell one like it lately about the colored cook who had just taken over a new job, when the telephone rang in ttre house, and she answered it. "Ilello,t' said Mandy. 'What number is thig?" asked the voice at the other end. 'Mah Lawdy," said the cook, "you de one whut should knowyou called it, didn't you?"

Spends Vacation In Redwood Empire

John Matzek, manager of the H. H. Smith Lumber Co., Daly City, returned recently from a vacation spent in the Redwood Empire, during which. he visited a number of the Redwood mills.


K. L. Hamman, head of the K. L. Hamman Advertising, Inc., Oakland, was elected president of the Pacific Advertising'Clubs Association, June 13, at the 25th annual convention of Pacific Coast advertising men held at Honolulu. PHONE Mldland 2226

-A wood stove stood in a little one-room office. Early in the morning a fire was kindled in that stove, a chair was pulled up to the of6ce desk, and the occupant dipped his pen in the ink and commenced to write policy No. I in the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association.

-That Das over twenty-sarcn y@rs ago. Little did the writer rcalize that he was writing the first chapter of the history of the world's largest mutual fire insurance company-one which would extend its protective service and fire prarcntion worft to arcry cornet of the United Stares und Canada.

-Briefy, this is the story of a Pacific Coast insurance company whose services, dividends, and loss paying record, have won its way into the hearts of lumber merchants of California and other states and the Provinces of Canada through conserving their interests.

Your association will be strengthened by the use you make of its Insurance Department.

F. J. Ma*in, President

Goollng Towers Tanlts and Ptpe

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