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always ready to sert)e CALIFORNIA
We own and log one of the finest stands of FIR timber in the Pacific Northwest. We operate one of the biggest Single Unit Sawmills in the world. We operate our own lumber fleet. We maintain distributing plants at Baypoint and San Pedro, California.
Beverly Hills Home Exhibit
(Continued from Page 46) estate people of Beverly llills. Mr. Krause himself, heads the firm. A former very popular retail lumberman is his chief aide, Mr. E. C. Jameson, formerly Sales Manager for the Sun Lumber Company, of Beverly Hills.
The exhibits in this new Home Beautiful are of the sort that would appeal to such people as live in Beverly Hills, and therefore delightful for the visitor to view. The interior of the building is exquisite in shade, decoration, and coloring, and the many displays'on the main floor and mezzanine are thought provoking and of a tendency to create a desire for beautiful building things.
Any visitor to Beverly Hills should stop to see this display. It v/ill more than repay the time and effort.
Philippine Islands Lumberman Visiting Coast
Andres Pastor, representative of the Basilan I-umber Co., Zamboanga, Philippine Islands, was a San Francisco visitor recently. Mr. Pastor expects to spend about three months on the Pacific Coast, after which he will visit New York and then will spend a few months in Europe. He has lived 28 ye0rs in the Philippines.
The Basilan Lumber Co. cuts 1,200,000 feet of hardwoods a month, and also sellb a considerable quantity of logs to Japan.
George Cornitius . Heads New Corporation
t G"org. C. Cornitius, for the past fifteen years a prominent wholesaler of Southern Hardwoods, and importer of Philippine Ffardwoods and Japanese Oak, with bffices at 465 California Street, San Francisco, has recently completed a merger with three of his competitors on the Pacific Coast, forming a corporation to be known as the George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., with headquarters at the same address.
The new combination has control of the output of three of the largest manufacturers of Philippine hardwoods in the Islands, wlth an annual production of approximately fifteen million feet. All former connections will be retained, and the new company expects to deal extensively in Southern Hardwoods as well as foreign woods.
The new organization will operate along the same lines as heretofore, except that the volume of business transacted will be materiallv increased.
Walter Medill Back From Trip
Walter P. Medill, sales manager of McKay & Company, Redwood manufacturers, returned to his San Francisco headquarters middle of June from a trip to the company's mill ind logging operations at Eureka. Mr. Medill says the Redwood Empire is looking fine.