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Brand Oak Flooring
There's a size and grade for eaery structure, nenJ or old, Write today for full particulars.
The Stewart Inso Board Co. started shipping their new product March lst and their plant at St. Joseph, Missouri, has been running day and night since that time. Carloads of Inso Board have been shipped to the four corners of the United States, and one shipment has been made to Holland during the past sixty days, it is announced. Delay, due to mechanical problems caused shipments to be held up during the winter months, but difficulties have now been overcome, according to Mr. Stewart, and shipments will proceed without any further trouble.
Arringements have already been made by some of the best known lumber and building material jobbers in the country for franchises for Inso Board and the list of dealers includes well known firms in the industrv.
Joins Advertising Staff
Albert R. Israel, for many years connected with daily newspapers and The Associated Press in various cities, and more recen.tly identified with the advertising and trade prornotion work of the Lumber Industry, has joined the staff of The Chambers Agency, Inc., one of the large national advertising agencies, with headquarters in New Orleans and offices in New York, Louisville and Detroit. He will be attached to the Agency's New Orleans office.
During his newspaper career, Mr. Israel held responsible editorial positions on leading dailies in Washington, D. C., New York, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas City, New Orleans and various other cities; and at different times, was in charge of bureaus of The Associated Press in Louisville, Atlanta and New Orleans.
In 192O, Mr. Israel joined the staff of the Southern Pine Association, as manbger of its Pu,blicity, Advertising and Trade Extension activities-resigning in 1926, to go to the Pacific Coast where he handled similar work for the West Coast Bureau, with headquarters in Seattle.
State Association Gets Two New Members
Murphy Building Materials Co., Carmel, and O'Neil Lumber Co., Pomona, have recently trecome members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.