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The CALIFORNIA White and Sugar Pine Sitsation
By C. Stowell Smith, Secretary-Managef, C.alifomia White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
C. Stoanll Smith
General conditions surrounding the manufacture and sale of lumber in the California-Southern Oregon pine region are a reflection of those prevailing throughout the lumber industry. The specific situation indicates an improvement over L927. On this date, the Yosemite Lumber Company is down and will not operate during the balance of the year. The Feather River Pine \4ills, Inc., has not been reestablished since the mill was destroyed by fire. Castle Crag Lumber Company will not operate in 1928, and Michigan-California Lumber Company will get a late start, due to extensive improvements, inclucling enlargement of cable service over the American River Canvon.
The above indicates a reduction of around 200 million feet. As against that, it is understood the Wheeler-Olmstead plant at Klamath Falls will be operated by ShawBertram Lumber Company. The Shasta View Lumber Company at Klamath Falls has also been taken over by other interests and will be operated the balance of this year. This will probably add around 4O or 50 million feet to off-set the reduction in the mills not operating.
Up to date, there has been a slight increase in produ,ction,
Carl Kupfer Visits California
Carl A. Kupfer, representative for California and Oregon territory for the North Coast Dry Kiln Co., Seattle, visited the San Francisco Bay district and Los Angeles on a business trip last month.
Mr. Kupfer is no stranger to California, having made his headquarters for a number of years at Berkeley.
but it must be remembered that 1927,to date, showed a large curtailment under 1926. Just recently most of the mills have reduced their cut to a 57/2day basis, so that relative production will steadily decrease from now on.
Shipments and orders, to date, are approximately the same as in 1927. On April lst, total stocks on hand were some 70 million feet less than on the same date in 1927 and in addition, stocks for sale were some 84 million feet less.
Prices are not satisfactory, although the past few weeks have shown some strengthening. Conditions, however, are fundamentally sbund from a manufacturing standpoint, and there is no reason to believe that the law of supply and demand will not operate to improve, during the next six months.
The above statement covers only the pine region in California, and Klamath Falls and -Medfoid distr-icts of Southern Oregon, and does not necessarily apply to the redwood region, although I anticipate thaf raitiei similar conditions will be found there
R. E. Ford, Cadrvallader Gibson Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a six weeks' business trip through the Middle West and Sotllhrvest. He visited Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City, St. Louis and Dallas. Mr. Ford says that conditions in the'Middle West are satisfactory but he was surprised to see conditions so flourishing in tlre Texas territory.
We cater to the small yard-----
And the smaller dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our guick shipment of anything and cverything for the building trade by car or truck makos it.possible fog thc cmatl dcaler to give tip-top.service to his trade, end y* lceip down his investmcnt, his insurancc and his overhcad.