1 minute read
The Building Material Merchant
The Building Material Merchant has come And he's making affairs in the old town hum. He's opened a store on the village square With a plate glass door and filtered air, And bins and shelves and store house filled With everything one might need to build A nest for two
Or three of four, Or five or six.
Or seven or more: And take it from me, he's a housing fan, This Building Material Merchant Man.
To make a sale he doesn't try, His one big aim is to help you buy. You want a home and you want it good, And he has shingles and brick and wood, And he knows'exactly what others have done To make a,home for "the only one," '
And he asks vou
To take a lo6k
At a plan or two
In a nifty book, And the only thing you'll have to say, Is: "This is my choice and that I can pay."
You need not hire an architect
To show the carpenters what to erect. Your B. M. M, has all the dope
That you ,could wish or need or hope. He has the plans, he has the stuff, And even the labor-and that's enoughFor he can say
He'll build your flat
For what you'll pay, And, surely, that Is better than dickering all round With the seller of lime and the leaser gf ground.
The Building Material Merchant today Is a wonderful man, and he's here to stay. He's a builder of homes and municipal life, He's a smoother of troubles and fixer of strife, And with the constructive advice he is giving He makes the old town much more decent to live in.
Please recollect
That now you can
A home erect
With just one man, And the work that he's doing will add renown To you and to me and to all of our town.