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Member California Redwood Association



Croclrcr Blds. Phone Sutter 6170 rosTffil;s

Lrnc Mortgage Bldg.

Phonc TRinity U282

MILIS: Fort Bragg C,alifonria

Adcquatc Storagc Stock at San Pcdro

"Time f6lls"-1yi1h a publication as well as with a roof. Rain, hot eun, frost and wind wage continuoua $/ar on roofe.

And along the Highwaye of the Years, Time's gangsters lurk in the shadowrl and eeek to waylay the Publication at every turn.

Congratulations to the Lumber Merchant. You, too, have grown stronger with each milestone paet.

Per1sonal Journaltsm

(Jamestown, Calif., Magnet)

"Heck Tombs has dickered with the sawrnill for a lot of Pine slabs rr*rich cost him next to nothing, with plenty of time to pay for it, as the sawmill owner didn't know Heck, and he will build a house no better than some of the shacks rre already have in our beautiful residential section' and which will be a disgrace to the comrnunity when Heck gets it built, if he ever does."


A commercial traveler held up in Orkney by a storm telegraphed to his firm in Aberdeen ($cotland)-"Marooned here by rtorm, wire instructions."

The reply came: "Start summer vacation as of yesterday."

Build Beautifully

Build beautifully, O America, With stone that shall chart The highways of the winds, Wittr towers that shall know The majesty of dawns, The trrilight's'benediction ; But remember to build thy soul Beyond the stolre, Beyond dre torrer, Into Truth.

-Arthur Wallace Peach"


"fn any line of endeavor there is usually o'nc man who hes dcvoted more study and research.in acquiring and den' onsFating a better knowledge, which gains for hirn the reputatian of 'knowing his businesl' and thus mce reailily recure8 the confidence of the public."

-Edruard C. Hardlton"


No man undertakes a trade he has not learned, even the meanest; yet everyone thinks himself sufriciently qualified for the hardest of all trades-Government.


Granpa Crabs

Go it maiden while you can; Kid yourself that you're a rnan; Vote and fight Stay out all night

Shimmy and Charlesto'n-fhaf's all right.

Ol,e Bill Todd when on a jag, Does them things, but he don't brag. When he wakes at last from hir silly fit, Ole Bill Todd is astrarned of it. Never you mind what people think, Reach for your hip and take a drink; Cut your hair, Smoke and lwear, Molt right down to your undcrwear. It grinds a lot but lue rnust say You're gettin'manlier every day. In fact, no man could look so cute Goini round in bathin' suitt One tenth, hdf way hid inside, Nine-tenths, simply sunburned hide. Rip and snort and paw the air, Man-like Maiden, I don't care, Smoke and cuss Say t'Durnt' or wuss, And put on pants the same as us. But one thing's left that you can't doSpit at a crack-and hit it too. That gift of ours har traveled hence Through a thousand years of experience.

-Lowell Otus Reece in Kablegrams.



In keeping wirh the modern trend in practically every line of merchandieing-that of pooling buy. ing powerreelling efrort and service for the ultimate benefit of the conrumerr the affiliation of theee two prominent tire concerna hae created what is now the largest Goodyear Salea and Sen'ice organiza. in the entire Unired States.


-it will be the aim of this new or. ganization to maintain the eame high erandarda of aervice in the sale and maintenance of Goodyear Paseenger Car and Truck Tirea for which each hae been individually noted for yeare, thue aeeuring the purchaaer a maximurn of satiefaction from hie tire inveetment.

Some advertising is "fire cracker" stufi and that's all. a flash and a big noise

Dynamite makes a noise and it starts things moving. So does Pioneer advertising. The example on the right was read by some S,mO,mO people in the 1l Western States but unless it had started things moving it would do no real good even if read by fifty millions !

But Pioneer advertising SELLS. Ilere's why:-

BECAUSE Pioneer advertising is backed up w'ith super quality merchandise. That's the first essential.

BECAUSE . Pioneer does not wait for advertising readers to come and buy it has a plan that brings them in to YOU, Mr. Dealer, if you carry the Pioneer Line and enjoy the advantages of the Pioneer Merchandising Plan

BECAUSE the Pioneer Plan not only brings the dealer prospects, but sells them for him . . and finances RE.ROOFING SALES ON EASY TTME PAYMENTS!

BECAUSE the Pioneer Dealer becomes part of a selling plan that brings the customer in gives him the, total price of a completed, roof in advance applies that roof properly and GUARANTEES it and arranges for easy terms.

If you aren't already getting the benefits of the Pioneer Plan if Pioneer "dynamite" isn't already moving things for you write to the nearest Pioneer Branch office RIGHT NOW! and WRITE

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