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Random Items-Mill Run
Hal Morton Shoots Finds Dealers Like Redwood Moving Pictures
Itral Morton, Campbell Lumber Co., Campbell, accompanied by his wife, recently spent a week in the Redwood Empite, making their headquarters at Scotia as guests of The Pacific Lumber Company.
While there he took moving pictures of the company's logging operations at Newman Creek and Freshwater, and also around the mill. He also shot pictures of the timber from the automobile as they moved along the highway.
Mr. Morton showed these pictures at the annual meeting of ihe Campbell Kiwanis Club, June 18, giving at the sam6 time an interesting talk on his trip. He intends to show these pictures before all the service clubs in the Santa Clara Valley.
Jim Farley, of The Pacific Lumber Company, who attended the meeting, declares that Mr. Morton's work as a photographer closely approaches the professional standard.
J. A. Hart Purchases Millwork Concern
J, A. Hart, well known San Francisco millman, announces his puichase of the busiiiss of Hart & Burmeister. The new company will be known as the J. A. Hart Mill & Lumber Co: They rvill continue in the manufacture of architectural woodwork, sash, doors, fram.es and mouldings at their same location, Jerrold and Napoleon streets, San. Francisco.
Open Offices at Fresno and San Die$o
A. C. Baker, Northwestern Mutual Fire Association, Los Angeles, announces that they have opened offices at Fresno and San Diego. A. C. Meyers has been appointed manager of their Fresno office. Mr. Meyers was transferred from their Phoenix, Ariz., office, rvhere he was assistant to Jack Raymond. Their San Diego office will be under the management of A. C. Haynes. Mr. Haynes comes frorn Regina, Sask., Canada.
Est. 1885
Max E. Cook, Farmstead engineer, in charge of the Architectural Service Bureau of the California Redwood Association, returned early in June from a two weeks' trip, undertaken in the interests of the bureau, in the course of which he called on 89 dealers in the upper Sacramento Valley, Napa Valley, Sonoma Valley, Santa Cruz district, Santa Clara Valley and lower San Joaquin
As evidence of the interest shown by dealers in the Agricultural Series, Mr. Cook secured orders for 56 bound sets from 47 different yards, 3O of which were purchased by dealers for complimentary presentation to high schools for their manual training and agricultural classes. This service has now been put into 150 schools and universities. During the trip special consultation was given to many dealers on subjects not included in the series to date, such as milk houses, turkey nests, special types of poultry houses, garden furniture, etc. Special service was also given to dealers on staining and finishing Redwood, sand blasting and wire brushing, termite control. Specific requests were received and recorded for Redwood Log Cabin Siding patterns and mountain cabin suggestions, and new data.sheets on finishing and sand blasting.
Announce Change of Name
Announcement has been made that the Starks Manufacturing Co., under which name lhis concern has operated for the-past fourteen years, wiil be changed to-Starks Stained Shingles, Inc., efiective July 1. Since their efforts are now confined to the manufacture of shingle stains and the staining of shingles on the Pacific Coast for producers, they state the nerv firm name will be more descriptive of their business. This company has been staining shingles for the producers and distributors on the Pacific Coast for the past four years.
Bob Caldwell Back From Vacation
R. E. Caldwell, Little River Redwood Co., San Francisco, returned June 18 to his desk from a ten-day fishing trip in t{re Sierras.