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The Central California Lumbermen's Club
By L. H. Elliott, Secretary-Treeduler.
The Central California Lumbermen's Club has held its regular meetings on the second Saturday of each month since the Annual Meeting in December.
We have met at Stockton, our headquarters, part of the time and also at other points where our members are in business.
Meetings have been well attended with interesting topics discussed.
During the past three monthd our President Geo. E.
Ground and Vice-President O. D. Ruse, have severed their connections with their respective companies, with whom they have been for several years, and have both entered the lumber business for themselves.
Business in this section of the state was a little quiet during the spring but our members report some improvement since June lst. With the assurance of deep water for Stockton and prospect of good crops in other parts of the Central Territory, rve look for a fair business during the fall months.
,/Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Atkinson are receiving congratula-
B. W. Cadwallader, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Los An- /116115 on the birth of i fine 7rl-poand baby 6oy, Jlune 21, geles, has returned from a two and a half months' trip at San Francisco. Jimmy is sales manager of the rail deto the Philippine Islands, .where he visited the company's partment of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San qnanufacturing operations. Francisco. Both mother and baby are doing well.
Worth the Differertrce"
AREFULLY selected stock that has been thoroughly kiln dried, perfectly milled, that is always clean and bright, free of sap stain and decay producing germs . . lumber that has been classed by the builder, the contractor, the architect, the carpenter, and the dealer as the very best stock that they have ever handled, is convincing proof of its superior quality.
It's lumb€r of these outstanding qualities that is identified with the C. C. & C. C. trade-mark. A quality product that can be sold at a profit. And "it's worth the difference."
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