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Same Turning, Radius With or TYithout Load
feature of Gerlinger Hydraulic Carriers
HE four-wheel steer on GERLINGERS is on the outside of the frame-thus being difierent from other carriers which have the wheels in alignment with the frame.
As the GERLINCER is constructed, loads do not interfere in any case with the free operation of all for.rr wheels. Short turns or long turns are thereby made rfi/lTH or WITHOUT load in the SAME turning radius.
Gerlinger Camiers Protect the Load
A steel plate riveted to inside of frame protecte lumber from damage and dirt. Heavy steel angle s, 3A"x6" (heavier than on any other carrier) are riveted to outside of frame and used as a deflector to protect lumber from sharp corners. Also a strong pan underneath motor and transmission protects lumber from any grease that might drop.