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The best advertising medium on earth is a well pleased cuttoill' er. Hetll spread the news.
our daily inspiration. We have the finest industry on the earth. Whither are we going?
If there's one man who dares to stand Upright and front the sun, You can step up beside him there And be another one.
George Ground Opens Yard in Modesto
George E. Ground, formerly manager of the Modesto Lumber Co., and for many years identified with the-lumber business in Modesto, has opened a new yard at that point.
Mr. Ground is president of the Central California Lumbermen's Club.
Joins Monolith Sales Staff
Henry F. Uhlinger, formerly connected with the William M. Robbins Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is now associated with the sales department of the Monolith Portland Cement Co. He will make his headquarters in Los Angeles. Mr. Uhlinger has been connected with the lumber business in California for several years and is well known by the lumber fraternity over the state.
Redwood Used in Tiiuana Hot Springs Hotel
Redwood was extensively used in the construction of the new $1,00O,000 hotel' and casino at Tijuana Hot Springs, according to R. F. Flammatt, secretary-manager of thJ California Redwood Association, who has just returned from a ten-dav business trip to Southern California points. Mr. Hammait reports thai Redwood was used for Leam ceilings in the hotel lobby and in a portion of the casino, and -also in some of the more expensive suites in the hotel, the one reserved for thd Governor of Lower California being particularly noticeable. Redwood was also used for t[e ceilings of the porches surrounding the patio. ' Redwood was used throughout in the construction of the dog kennels and trainers' quarters of the new whippet racing-plant recently completed by the same interests. The hedwood lumber was furnished by the Herriman Lumber Co., San Diego, 100,000 feet being used altogether.
Mrs. Charles Burnett, wife of Charles Burnett of the Burnett-Carr Lumber Co., Exeter, was a recent visitor to San Francisco, rvhere she was making purchases preparatory to a vacation trip in the high Sierras.