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Building and Loan Association Secretaries Hold Conference
Frank M. Wise, formerly with Patten & Davies, now Secretary of the United States Building and Loan Association, 7th and Florver streets, Los Angeles, attended a twoday conference on June Sth and 9th in Hollywood, where Gilbert H. Beesemyer, Secretary of the Guaranty Building and Loan Association, was host to the Secretaries of a number of Associations throughout the state in which he and his associates have become interested in the last two or three years.
The out-of-town visitors included V. T. La Motte. Hall B. Funke and Willard B. Rice, President. Vice-President which closer co-operation could be established among the associations of the group and better service rendered to the public. The Guaranty department heads have, in the past, served as a sort of advisory board for the men in the local associations and their Guaranty training has stood them in gooC stead. The other instittitions hav-e also benefitted materially by the connection, because the Guaranty is one of the most progressive and successful associationi in the state.
Practically every phase of building and loan activities was discussed during the three sessions of the conference and considerable time was spent on questions pertaining
4ir't.-siriitZry', e;;;"i;'E;iiai[ "e Loan Ass,n., Hollvuood,' Hall B. Funke, Vice Presiileni, Cqliforn;a Mutual a";M;ig a uo" Atli.,.Soo Frorrirri, iiaiier-L. aiiu", o:il Front Roiza, Left to Nsht-F*nu_*.",i|l{u,"!{i&I;ii'r! f "":,f;f:;'3*x;"1"'n(!:.',t'to, ane,t,i; F,,an,i,p G. Leonard, Treasurer,_Guaronty.Building & Loan Ass'n., Hotlyaoo!;.Daztid !. fe_ese,.Secretary,- Vi"l"ri Cit'iiiii niiiiii'O to"" Aili.', Ventura; W, B._ Ric-% Sec_ietary, Cgtifornia \u1Lal aiilaing \L.gqf 2stn., ioi'Ioi,; I. W. U;i:noir, eiiiii-r, U. S. Cuoiinti corp', Los Angetes; v. r. LaMolte,E:;:il:1,'ot;,;lf;ln,y;,t:L:;;Hffrf,i:r"fi:j;: s"; i;;;:-8. ri;iii}iiL-t'r;";s;; N;;u
1:_9 ;..,t.t"ry, respectively,-of the-California Mutual Build- to loans. It is the desire of Mr. Beesemyer to place the tn-g dt Loan Association ol 1"". Jose and San Francisco; institutions in which he is interested in a position to rendqr Melbourne C. Routt of the United States Building and_Loan the most help{ul loan service por.;bf.. itt" .a"""t"g.. ;i Association, Fresno; Harry C. Claiborne of the United the amortiz"i typ. of loan ti home builders is too- well fltates Building & Loan Association, Bakersfield; David J. known,to requiie'comment here. But Beesemyer arrd his Reese, Ventura Guarantee Building & Loan Associationr group have hbpes of making it still more effeciive as time Ventura_; T. I . Skelton, Harbor Buitaing and Loan Asso- goes on. cr.ation, Wilmingtcin. In addition to Mr. Wise, Perry.Jones - In closing-the conference Saturday afternoon, Beesemyer of the Mutual of Hollywood, Building & Loan Associition, paid high t"ribute to Mr. Wir; ;;a;'in ]act, the Secretaiies ind the heads of the various departmlnts of- the Guaranty, bf att ttt'e Associations, for the splendid progress wnicn nas as well as the Guaranty directors, also attended.been made to date. He pledged ihe'wh"ole-hearted co_ ' The two-day session was devoted to discussions, by operation o{ every member oi tti Guaranty Association and members of the Guaranty staff, of ways and means bi piedicted that the organization had a briiliant iutuie. ---