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Los Angeles Club Hold Vicegerent Snark Day

Vicegerent Snark Day brought out one of the largest crowds of the year, at the luncheon of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, on Thursday, June 14. Nearly 6O attended the meeting.

B. W. Byrne, Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles District, was Chairman of the Day. Seated at the head of the table were the following Past Snarks of the District: R' A. Forsyth, Phil B. Hart, Frank Curran and W. B. Wickersham. Ed. Tennant, Past Snark of the lJniverse, also attended the meeting. Jack Bate, San Francisco, the first Snark of the District. and Past Snark Herman Rosenberg, Detroit, Mich., were unable to be present. E. A. Goodrich, Dave Woodhead and Curtis Williams, former Snarks of the Los Angeles District, were unable to attend and sent their regrets.

During the luncheon, music rvas furnished by the Patrick & Marsh orchestra. Billy Hoffman, a talented young lady singer with a pleasing personality, sang' several enjoyable songs and was a big hit with the gathering. The Cole Sisters, a song and dance team, also entertained with several delightful numbers. B. W. Bookstaver arranged for the excellent entertainment.

President J. E. Martin presided over the business session of the meeting. This was the last meeting of the Club which will suspend the regular luncheons during the summer months. The next meeting will be held the first Thursday in September.

Vicegerent Snark B. W. Byrne announced that there will be a concat held during the summer months. This meeting will probably be held at one of the beach resorts and will include a dinner dance followed by a concatenation.

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