1 minute read
ADFIL.ftI/ IN ORDER and the follrs who mahe it
The subiectof servioe is ovemorkod, in conversation, but snderworked in practlce. One can buy service of c sorO' any' where.
When we ask You to take advantage of OUR rervicewe refer to c perronol attention and intenesC in yottr needs, tbat mon€y ccnnot buy. We know You - You Lnow us; we serve every one of Yog 8s t fricnd as well as in the form of a custorner.
' By the weY our boat Plan teFr' lce lr aveltaDle wltftout chargcr and vttborrt coEcf ttre lunrber cortl no rnoaG qilt.h thlr Dt n rcr'vlcc lncluded.