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Up and Down the St ate
Lumber Company Awards Forty Five Year Old Sinker
Prizes to School Boys
The Sun Lumber Company of Beverly Hills made its annual award of cash prizes to the young boys in Manual Arts Departments of the three elementary schools of Beverly Hills last Friday for the most attractive ind best finished hand products produced during the school lyear. Messrs. E. E. Newman, E. F. Consigny and George R. Barker acted as judges of the work and the awards were made by Mr. Frank Burnaby of the Sun Lumber Company. The prizes as offered each year are: First prize $10.00, Second prize, $5.00 and third prize $2.50.
At the El Rodeo sdhool the first prize was awarded to Ernst Lubisch, Jr. for an attractive stand; second prize 'was won by Ted Hirt for a ship; and third prize went. to Irving Adams who constructed a radio stand.
At the Hawthorne-.: School first prize r*ent to George Pierson, a ship ; sccond prize to George Seiiz"'a book case; and third prize to Edrvard Butterworth, a table,'1,
The Beverly Vista gchool was as follows; First prize, Palmer Hum'es, a.clteckerboard; second prizg-""Edward Maus, a table; and third prize, George Watson,' who produced a boat.
The sweepstakes prize, a model bcrat given by the Beverly Hardware Company, went to George Pierson of the Ilawthorne School.
Makes Fine Lumber
The fine lumber produced by a Redwood sinker at the Albion Lumber Company's mill at Albion, Mendocino County, is a splendid testimonial to the lasting qualities of this wood. The log bore the initials SNW, believed to have stood for Starbird, Norton and Weathe6bee, whose last logging was done in the eighties. The log was mostly submerged not'having lost muCh of its moisture content in the 45 years or more since it was logged. When sawed up it made the best kind of lumber, perfectly sound and apparently of as good a grade as if it had beeq manufactured the year it was cut.
Change in Management of Lumber Office
Mr. F. L. Steere, formerly retained by the Barr Lumber - Company in their Whittier, Califolnia, gffices, has been transferred to Montebello and made manager of that office for the Barr Lumber Company, to succeed !VIr. Ditzler, who, it is reported, has resigned to look after his ranching interests in Whittier. Mr. Steere will make his home in Pico.