3 minute read
The Building of Better Homes rS Nation Wide
By Floyd A. Dernier Lumbernren's Service Ascociation
Builders everywhere are seeking the newest and most practical ideas in modern construction. More thoughts and money are going into homes than ever before. That's inother step forward, for ideal homes are worth all the efforts and money invested in them.
Elomes of today are more attractive, convenient and practical and that is as it should be; homes that are now being built are up-to-date and they will be 5O years hence-we are building for the future. That is why such careful thought is given each detail of construction and instead of building down to a price we are building up to a standard.
In this connection, the interior is receiving fully as much consideration as the exterior. Living rooms with their higher ceiling; cosy breakfast rooms; kitchens in which are included every modern convenience; bedrooms with proper exposures and openings for sunlight and fresh air; and the bath-possibly in no other department of modern home building have such marked advancements been made as in the bathrooms; a few years ago just any size or kind of a room with fixtures was sufficient; today it is the showroom of the house, beautiful, convenient and ultra-modern. Wiring is another very important department. Sufficient outlets for all modern conveniences requires the attention of experts.
It is your business, Mr. Lumber Merchant, to show and tell home builders just what it is possible for them to receive in the way of exteriors, floor plans and modern conveniences and to help them in every way you can that their new home will reflect complete satisfaction.
Building Material Firms who pay income taxes these days are those who advertise and deliver Service. The public is entitled to know who you are, and what you propose
Harvey Isenhower Spending Month In Los Angeles
Harvey Isenhower, representative for the Holmes Eureka f,umber Co. in the Valley territory, will look after the company's interests in the Southern California territory i during the absence of Bill Hamilton, who is taking a vacation. He will be in the Southern California territory until August 1 and will make his headquarters at the company's Los Angeles office.
Mr. Hamilton will spend his vacation in Seattle and during the next month he plans_to visit many of the interesting ; points in the Northwest. His family accompanied him on the trip.
to do for them. Your advertising copy is your message. Remember, too, that they like to read pictures. A cut of a beautiful home will instantly attract the eye, and makes it reasonably sure that your message will be read. Advertising of the right kind creates desires, and the business houses who make the strongest and most consistent appeals are the ones who attract the dollars.
Homes and buildings are needed more than all other necessities. Don't let someone else salesmanship them into minor investments. You can't possibly show your complete, attractive building service to any great number of people without creating business, and materials sold by this modern merchandising method is always non-competitive.
A new subscriber asked the other day if we didn't think spring the best time to advertise and promote building. Our answer was that outside of summer, fall and winter, spring was the best time. They'll build every week in the year if you create desires and help them in planning.
A live-wire dealer called on his competitor the other day -it happened he was just opening his mail. Ong large envelope containing advertising copy and modern merchandising helps and ideas was thrown into the waste basket with a 1gg11sft-"Qosh what " ny451s"-"Yes," answered the progressive dsalsl-"dnd you are the waster."
It's a good idea to provide a file or scrap book and keep the various articles on trade extension, merchandising, advertising, etc., that you receive. Sort them as near as possible that you can immediately refer to any particular subject. Modern trade literature is in reality a correspondence school and those who are anxious to succeed and produce greatest profits from their efforts will give careful-consideration to everv bit of advice offered.
O. W. Carr, Burnett-Carr Lumber Co., Exeter, recently got back to work, having recovered from a serious foot trouble which had troubled him for some time.
Walter Scrim Spending Vacation In Northwest
Walter Scrim, Los Angeles, IJ. S. representative for the Findlay Millar Co., left for the Northwest during the middle of June for a three weeks' vacation. He will be back at his desk again the early part of July. Mrs. Scrim and their three children, who accompanied him on the trip, will remain in the Northwest for about two months.