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Southern California Lumbermen Play Golf
H. O. Vard Wins Low Gross Pfize.
Ted Lawrence Low Net Vinner.
Sixty-five lumbermen turned out to follow the elusive white pill at the golf tournament held at the Brentwood Golf and Country Club, Brentrvood, on Friday afternoon, June 22. The tournament which was open to all Southern California and visiting lumbermen, was sponsored by the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
In the evening there rvas a banquet held at the club house which was largely attended. Frank Burnaby acted as toastmaster. Following dinner, Roy Stanton, chairman of the Prize Committee, announced the lvinners of the contest. The low gross prize, the Frank Curran Cup, was awarded to H. O. Ward, who completed the regulation 36 holes with a score of 78. Ted Larvrence. with a net score of 72, was awarded the lorv net prize, the Roy Stanton Cup. The winners in the Flight Contests were as follows: First Flight, first prize, golf club, M. B. Jordan; second prize, belt, Scott Boyd; second flight, first prize, sweater, Walter
Best; second prize, golf stockings, Leo Rosenberg; third flight, first prize, golf club, Roy Meyers; second prize, golf balls, Ed Betts; iourth flight, first prize, golf pants, Harvey Bowles; second prize, golf bag, Jack Thomas.
The following competed in the tournament: C. A. Suiter, W. R. Vanderwood, George Melville, S. C. Smith, A. L. Sailor, Bert Wilberg, C. W. Gray, Ted Lawrence, Leo Rosenberg, H. P. Dixon, A. K. Condee, G. P. Pond, E. M. Koenig, E. G. Betts, J. M. I-andram, Jack Thomas, C. C. Bohnhoff, W. Maxwell, J. M. Tyrrall, F. H. Yost, T. B. Hatton, Scott Boyd, Francis Boyd, Bob Osgood, E. L. Thomas, J. L. Dooley, G. V. Larned, A. P. Youst, Walter Best, H. O. Ward, G. H. Lockwood, Roy Stanton, E. R. Maule, E. P. Hill, G. H. Nicholson, W. S. Riley, W. I. Lindsay, H. Priest, Roy Meyers, C. M. Kellogg, Duke Marmion, Frank Burnaby, Gus Hoover, L. Pemberthy, Art Pemberthy, Curtis Merryman, A. 'H. Cuenod, "C^ppy"
Some of the Golfers
More Golfers
This Policy has Doubled Sales
Realizing the vital importance of centralized buyrng to the buyer of hardwood lumber today, E. A. Howard & Co., hardwood dealers of San Francisco, inaugurated a policy which has put them forward by leaps and bounds to a most enviable position in the hardwood lumber industry of Northern California, and which has had the effect of doubling their sales in a very few years.
This policy assures the customer quality, service and price; quality meaning the right grade and the hardwood lumber best suited for the use to which it is to be put; and an inspection service to see that they get it. Service means that a sufficient quantity of all desirable.items of hardwood lumber is at all times available for delivery, thereby holding the investment of the buyer within reasonable limits; and by price meaning that the buyer is enabled to buy as low, or in some cases at a lower price than his competitor.
As a result of this policy E. A. Howard & Co. find that an ever-increasing number of hardwood users are centralizing their buying with them.
It is interesting to note that this firm was established in 1889, when the business was founded bv E. A. Howard. This firm was a pioneer in the introduciion of hard.wood panels, and u'as one of the first firms to introduce Australian hardwoods to this countrv.

E. A. Howard, Jr., is manager.- His father has not taken a very active part in the business for the last few years, and at the present time is on an extended trip to Europe.
Donald, J. M. Mills and Fred Golding.
The Golf Committee, in charge of the tournament, included: Jack Thomas, Chairman; Arrangements, Paul Hill; Handicaps and Starting, Ed. Betts and Al. Sailor; Prizes, Roy Stanton and A. L. Hoover; Publicity, Ed. Martin; Secretary-Treasurer, Mel Coe.