3 minute read
The Little River Company Enters Technical Field
Will Make Big Effort to Regain for the Lumber Industry Business That Has Been Lost to Manufacturers of Competitive Materials, and Which Can Best be Served by Wood Construction
One of the most interesting developments in the Redwood industry in recent times is the formation of the Technical Division of The l,ittle River Redwood Co. and their active entry into the manufacture of cooling towers, wood stave pipe dnd tanks. The management, engineering and construction personnel of the division is composed of a group of men who have had many years' experience in the design and installation of atmospheric cooling towers, wood stave pipe, tanks and various other technical commodities, and the satisfactory volume and outcome of the business already handled indicate that, Minerva like, this company has stepped fully armed into the campaign for the extension of the use of wood products.
Redwood pipe and tanks have had severe competition with concrete and steel pipe and tanks during the past few years and while the latter have not given the same degree of satisfaction that the Redwood products have given, yet by active ,efiort the steel pipe and concrete pipe manufacturers have succeeded in displacing a large volume of business that logically can best be served in wood construction. The efforts of the Technical Division of the company will be to restore to the lumber industry, by active and complete co'operation with the various interests concerned, that portion of the tank, pipe and other technical business that has been lost to the lumber industry through the activities of the manufacturers of competitive materials.
Conditions in the engineering profession have changed and at present consulting engineers on large projects demand the support of an industry as a whole rather than the local support of a single manufacturer and as The Little River Redwood Co. is a producing lumber organization and thus directly a part of the Redwood industry, it is believed that their activities in the technical field will be
A. B. Gritzmacher, member of the wholesale firm of Gritzmacher & Gunton, San Francisco, returned to work J:une 25, after an absence of five weeks. Mr. Gritzmacher had a'successful operation on his eye for cataract, as a result of which he will now have very good vision.
of great moment to the engineering profession and will result in a marked increase all over the country in the volume of this class of business.
.In order to fully carry out their development program, offices were established in New York in charge of an experienced organization, this office handling eastern business generally and by their active efforts further stimulating the interest of eastern engineers in the use of technical wood products. Not many engaged in the lumber industry know that in the large amount of hydroelectric development carried out in the New England States during the past ten years that practically every major project utilized wood stave pipe for its conduit. The efiorts of the new organization will be to induce other industries to follow the example set by the hydroelectric group to the further advantage of the lumber industry as a u'hole. It is singular that the most active competition against wood structures has center.ed in the Western States, although the performance record of rvood structures in the West indicates, as in the East, an economy that m'akes wood preferable to either steel or concrete for pipes, tanks and other specialized engineering products.
Thus The Little River Redwood Co. deserves the success which the formation of its Technical Division implies. So highly specialized is the application of the yarious materials of construction required by the engineering profession that the successful development of the lumber industry in this field can only be handled by specialists who possess a thorough knowledge of the problems presented and, undoubtedly, in the campaign for the extension of the use of lumber in the technical field the beneficial results of their efforts will flow alike to the company itself and to the Redwood lumber industry as a whole.
G. W. Dow, owner of the Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, has just completed alterations which make his yard one of the most modern east of the mountains. ' In addition to his lumber business Mr. Dow also operates hotels at Independence and Lone Pine.
Thc l92E
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