2 minute read
Something New in Hardwood Kiln Drying
"There IS something new under the sun." At least, so declares the Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Ore. And, in explanation, they point to a new hardwood dry kiln they have recently installed at the new yard of the Tropical Hardrvood Company in Los Angeles. That this is the best hardwood kiln they have ever built, seen or heard of, and they have been making kilns and studying kiln drying since 1879, is the way they praise this new kiln.
There are a number of particular features to which they point in this new kiln, but the principal ones are two in number. First, edge to edge stacking on the kiln cars. Second, forced side-to-side circulation of the air.
To begin with, they pile the lumber for this kiln flat, and edge-to-edge. This gives the kiln 15 per cent more lumber capacity than rvhen piled with a central flue, and 1l per cent more than rvhen piled on edge. Thus, they claim. seven cross circulation kilns will do the work of eight others.
Large and Assorted Stocla of
The Perfect Surface For ENAMEL FINISH
Quarter and rfuee-erghths inch 3 Ply-18,24, 30 and 36 incher wide to 84 inchec long-all grades
Dry Kitn at Troficat
Angetes, Showing Edge to
In this kiln, which Mr.J.W. Riglesberger of the Tropi- cal Hardu'ood Company exhibits with great pride to all visitors, large, open ducts allorv the free passage of air to the lumber at a minimum of resistance to air flow.
The uniform spacing of fans ,through the kiln, with the low static pressure and open ducts makes it possible to maintain a uniform amount of circulation through the stock and to keep the temperatures and humidities even the full length of the kiln.
The return bend system of heating equal distribution of heat through the tures.
the kiln insures the kiln at all tempera-
Multiblade disc fans are used to recirculate the conditioned air through the stock.
The circulation goes horizontally through the sticker spaces in the lumber load. No flue is left in the piles as in flat piling. This new cioss-circulation system, forcing the air into the load from the side, does arvby with the friction caused by lumtrer piled in.ttre path of ihe moving air, causing air pockets and dead air spaces.
This recirculating fan system consists of employing disc fans directly under the loads, making it possible to recirculate the air through the stock almost directly from the fan to the lumber, without the use of long, complicated duct systems, and high static pressures.
Mr. Riglesberger declares that he is getting the most wonderful results he has ever experienced in kiln drying, and speaks in most enthusiastic terms of this ner,v kiln.
Oneeighth inch clear rotary cut veneer, 48 inches wide to 86 incher long
18 to
Manufactured by the coos VENEER & BOX CO.
Marchfield, Oregon
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