1 minute read
Forrest Ward Wilson
Forrest Wilson is undoubtedly the champion Hoo lloo salesman of California. The records show that since he started his lumber experience in the state he has secured and signed up for membership in the good old lumber order more than one hundred and fifty candidates, which is SOME good record and no mistake.
It necessarily follows that he is a genuine Hoo Hoo enthusiast, believes in Hoo Hoo, works hard for Hoo Hoo, and is a member in much more than name only.
Most of the lumbermen in California, both North and South, know and esteem him. He has traveled both ends of the state selling lumber for a good many years, and is one of the most popular of the younger school of lumbermen, full of pep and enthusiasm, and always up and champing at the bit.
- He started life in Indiana in 1900, but soon moved to California. He attended school and got his education in the Bay District, and started in the lumber business in 1920 in San Francisco with Fletcher & Frambes. They sent him to Southern California in 1922, and he traveled the Southern district out of Los Angeles until 1925.
At this time he formed a connection with the Little River Lumber Company of San Francisco, and went to their general offices, where he has been ever since. He travels the Bay District for this fine Redwood concern, and gives them very useful representation. And he has,become as big a fan for Redwood as he has always been for Hoo Hoo, which is saying a good deal.